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Bromley March 9th, 2014


Jan 31, 2011
Where: Bromley Mountain, Peru, VT

When: Sunday, 3-9-2014

Conditions: Loud in the morning, soft after 1pm

It was the perfect day to be at Bromley. Sunny and low 30s. In the morning it was really windy at the peak, but that died down around 11am. The west side of the mountain did not ski well until the afternoon so I spent most of my time on the East side.

The best snow was on Corkscrew to Yodeler (which had great rolls and drop-offs).

Pabst Peril was fun, too, if you stuck to skier's right.

Havoc was tricky with conditions alternating from edgeable to bulletproof.

The bumps were rock hard until the afternoon. I didn't ski Peril, but I did hit the intermediate bump run, Glade, right before I left--that had softened up nicely, even the gladed Everglade trail was skiable by about 2pm.

So glad I was able to experience Bromley on a sunny day, my last trip there was foggy and overcast.

I took more pictures but they were all blurry because I didn't realize the lens was dirty until later in the day.

Bromley Top 3914.jpg

Bromley Peril Panic 3914.jpg

bye bromley 3914.jpg

bromley visit 3914.jpg


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