New member
Today at Burke Mt. conditions were awesome, with about 3-4 inches of snow on top of a good packed powder base. I woke up around 9a.m. and was told it just started snowing an hour before that, by the time I hit the slopes in the early part of the afternoon there were a good 2-3 inches on the ground and when I left (I was last chair) we had picked up another 1 to 2 inches accross the board. Yesterday there were about 40 people on the upper mountain and today maybe 20, it was truly empty and felt like I had the place to myself. Conditions were even better than yesterday as today's snow was more powdery and less catchy, it covered the glades I did (Birches, Marshland) completely and they looked untracked. On Marshland, in a couple of turns where the snow had collected, I had shin deep powder. Also Doug's Drop was untracked (on the right side of the slope) and again in some snow drifts I almost hit knee deep powder. This wasn't there this past week-end and it was all snow gotten from the past two days. Past 2500 feet there was a dense fog after 3pm and by the time I got to the summit at 410pm it started getting dark and foggy, it was eerie but spectacular if you ask me. I closed the mountain down by hitting upper willoughby into Birches and back into Willoughby, I was surprised Birches was mostly untracked except for one discernable snowboarder tracks. All in all a great day at the "office". Sorry no pics... they would have sucked anyways. I'll try next time.