Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: Monday 3/7/11
Resort or Ski Area: Burke, VT
Conditions: POWDER 24"+, Heavy Snow, 10s
Trip Report:
Insane morning up at Burke. Woke up at 7:45 in hopes of digging out and getting to first chair, however LSC didn't do any plowing at all and the digging out process ended up exceeding 90 mins to get out of the spot and then out of the unplowed parking lot (snow was over my bumper). Finally got rolling just after 9:30 and was on the chair at 10.
Started off with upper Dougs into the woods and down to Marshland. Snow was knee-to-waist deep in most untracked spots. They groomed quite a bit after closing yesterday so it was like vast oceans of flat powder. Woods were INSANE. Embarassed myself trying to bomb Open Slope in hopes of making it back to the chair without having to hike, but had my tips sink and faceplanted in front of the crowd at the lodge.
Second run was Upper Warrens into the woods and over to Little Chief. More insane woods, less tracked out than Doug's at that point. Snow under the Poma was DEEP.
Headed for Jungle after that. Willoughby was quite blown off... down to the grooming in a lot of spots (and some ice in the flatter spots from the 50 degree temps yesterday... that seems like lightyears away now). Jungle was off the hook. Even the usual crappiest spots were bliss.
Next up was Sasquatch to Dixiland. Sasquatch was really tracked out at that point, but still enough snow to cover the boneyard at the end when it dumps out onto the powerline. Dixiland was mint... lots of untracked shots. East Bowl hike out was a PITA, but worth it for a run.
After a repeat of Jungle, I hit the Dougs woods to Marshland combo again. Still tons of untracked at that point, not to mention that it was snowing so hard that many of the tracks that had just been put down 20-30 minutes beforehand were already filling in.
Last run was Fox's. Almost completely covered, a few of the biggest rocks were starting to poke out, but nothing like skiing that run with so much snow. Took a nice spill in the chute near the top... lost a ski in the powder which was somehow scooted by me even though I thought it was still above me. I wanted to finish up on Little Chief but I was too exhausted by that point. Enough snow at that point to ski through the top terrace and down to the bottom terrace right to my car lol. Also saw people skiing on College Rd on the way back to campus lol.
Insane day up there, and still coming down hard too. I'll be back up tomorrow afternoon after class.
Resort or Ski Area: Burke, VT
Conditions: POWDER 24"+, Heavy Snow, 10s
Trip Report:
Insane morning up at Burke. Woke up at 7:45 in hopes of digging out and getting to first chair, however LSC didn't do any plowing at all and the digging out process ended up exceeding 90 mins to get out of the spot and then out of the unplowed parking lot (snow was over my bumper). Finally got rolling just after 9:30 and was on the chair at 10.
Started off with upper Dougs into the woods and down to Marshland. Snow was knee-to-waist deep in most untracked spots. They groomed quite a bit after closing yesterday so it was like vast oceans of flat powder. Woods were INSANE. Embarassed myself trying to bomb Open Slope in hopes of making it back to the chair without having to hike, but had my tips sink and faceplanted in front of the crowd at the lodge.
Second run was Upper Warrens into the woods and over to Little Chief. More insane woods, less tracked out than Doug's at that point. Snow under the Poma was DEEP.
Headed for Jungle after that. Willoughby was quite blown off... down to the grooming in a lot of spots (and some ice in the flatter spots from the 50 degree temps yesterday... that seems like lightyears away now). Jungle was off the hook. Even the usual crappiest spots were bliss.
Next up was Sasquatch to Dixiland. Sasquatch was really tracked out at that point, but still enough snow to cover the boneyard at the end when it dumps out onto the powerline. Dixiland was mint... lots of untracked shots. East Bowl hike out was a PITA, but worth it for a run.
After a repeat of Jungle, I hit the Dougs woods to Marshland combo again. Still tons of untracked at that point, not to mention that it was snowing so hard that many of the tracks that had just been put down 20-30 minutes beforehand were already filling in.
Last run was Fox's. Almost completely covered, a few of the biggest rocks were starting to poke out, but nothing like skiing that run with so much snow. Took a nice spill in the chute near the top... lost a ski in the powder which was somehow scooted by me even though I thought it was still above me. I wanted to finish up on Little Chief but I was too exhausted by that point. Enough snow at that point to ski through the top terrace and down to the bottom terrace right to my car lol. Also saw people skiing on College Rd on the way back to campus lol.
Insane day up there, and still coming down hard too. I'll be back up tomorrow afternoon after class.