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Hit Burke a little after 6:00 PM on Tuesday. It could still be 100% including glades. Skined up Lower Warrens to the CCC road. Then cut accross over to Lower Willoughby to see where all the trees piled up next to the mid-lodge were coming from. They have begun the widening of this trail over to the snow making pipe. They have taken out all of the big trees however the small ones (no log value) still remain. They will probably just cut the small stuff and burn it. They also widened the upper part of Campers Carry by the little building. My guess is that this will be used as the upper section of the proposed Super G course rather than the flat section of Upper Willoughby at the top of the mountain.
Skied down Upper Foxes to Upper Warrens. The fading sun was already resulting in the surface beginning to refreeze. Warrens still had some sun so this is the chosen route of decent. Butter!
No holes in the snow pack as of Tuesday evening. Some stuff may have started to poke through with the warmer temps yesterday and today. Hike and ski should last for quite a while up there since the base is still quite deep in most spots.
Skied down Upper Foxes to Upper Warrens. The fading sun was already resulting in the surface beginning to refreeze. Warrens still had some sun so this is the chosen route of decent. Butter!
No holes in the snow pack as of Tuesday evening. Some stuff may have started to poke through with the warmer temps yesterday and today. Hike and ski should last for quite a while up there since the base is still quite deep in most spots.