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Cannon 12/19/15


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Skiing Cannon was tough Saturday. Every open run had snow guns blasting. Wind was reducing their effectiveness. What was there before was ice and while they tried to refresh overnight, there was not much coverage. Extension and Rock Garden were the best. Snow guns were pushing a product that was pretty wet and was icing up on goggles. As a result visibility was tough. We lasted about 2 hours. Was not a whole lot of fun. They were also a lot of sub 10 year olds that were part of ski programs which made me nervous - saw someone take one out after going down on an icy spot on Gremlin. My wife had enough after two runs.

Today they continue there assault trying to open more terrain so not going there Sunday (today). Will be glad when more terrain is open with out having to ski under snow guns.

We were considering SR for today but found out that our comps are actually 2 for 1 vouchers that can be used all season long, some will save those. Looking like a do stuff at home day to get ready for kids arriving for Christmas.

Pics to come.

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