Got to the mountain around 8:20, after reading snow report of 8" -- had high expectations and hopes for the day... Booted up and got out there right after the initial 8:30 crowd was coming down from their first run.. Heard that the Tram was closed and upper mountain lift as well, due to fog/visibility. It was foggy on the upper mountain all day and I didn't get a chance to get up there.
Lower mountain, while there was perhaps 8" of snow, it was a wierd grabby snow... Great base-building snow... For the first time in my skiing career, I think I actually had more fun on the groomed terrain -- but later on that day found some better conditions in some pockets(Timezone).... The snow was tough on the legs, it was definately a workout. With my board in the shop, I was on my tele's and wishing I made the decision to defer my board repair -- it actually looked like a pretty good snowboarding day, with boarders able to float the crud a bit better...
Mid-day, the upper mountain still was fog covered -- so we mainly stuck to Zoomer and Peabody lifts, and a quick visit to Tuckerbrook to see the Mittersill access changes... Zoomer and Rocket both pretty fun and bumped up... I didn't have the drive to give Mitersill a shot, decided I'd save my first revisit this year for a better powder day on the board. Would love to hear some reports of how it was over there --
Mountain was definately crowded, with a race on Gary's and I think practice on Banshee, superbowl 2-for-1 tickets, new snow, lines were pretty long for Cannon -- with upper mountain closed, trails were pretty crowded too. Temps were pretty nice, wind was not as bad as expected, and by the end of day when snow was pretty broken up -- it was pretty consistently carvable and not very ski'd off. Looking forward to coming back on a Tues/Thurs sometime --
Lower mountain, while there was perhaps 8" of snow, it was a wierd grabby snow... Great base-building snow... For the first time in my skiing career, I think I actually had more fun on the groomed terrain -- but later on that day found some better conditions in some pockets(Timezone).... The snow was tough on the legs, it was definately a workout. With my board in the shop, I was on my tele's and wishing I made the decision to defer my board repair -- it actually looked like a pretty good snowboarding day, with boarders able to float the crud a bit better...
Mid-day, the upper mountain still was fog covered -- so we mainly stuck to Zoomer and Peabody lifts, and a quick visit to Tuckerbrook to see the Mittersill access changes... Zoomer and Rocket both pretty fun and bumped up... I didn't have the drive to give Mitersill a shot, decided I'd save my first revisit this year for a better powder day on the board. Would love to hear some reports of how it was over there --
Mountain was definately crowded, with a race on Gary's and I think practice on Banshee, superbowl 2-for-1 tickets, new snow, lines were pretty long for Cannon -- with upper mountain closed, trails were pretty crowded too. Temps were pretty nice, wind was not as bad as expected, and by the end of day when snow was pretty broken up -- it was pretty consistently carvable and not very ski'd off. Looking forward to coming back on a Tues/Thurs sometime --
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