Vermont opted to spend big on social services rather than maintain their infrastructure. Their public policy doesn't seem to consider the economic impact of their tax policy or their allocation of those tax dollars. The Vermont side of the Connecticut River valley is an economic wasteland as businesses opted to move over the river to a more business-friendly New Hampshire. If you sit in Chittenden County where all the people live with the Canadian border to the north and a big long lake to the west, you probably don't care that the Crown Point Bridge doesn't exist or that places like White River Junction and Bellows Falls have become economic wastelands.
agree for the most part
you see the same thing in Seabrook, NH being quite prosperous and Salisbury, MA being a wasteland.
Bellowsfalls? been economically depressed as long as I recall since I entered High School 5 miles down the road in 1990. While a nice community, Walpole across the river isn't exactly a thriving economy.
Downstream, Brattleboro is actually a far more diverse economy than Keene across the way; this despite Keene having the advantage of being home to a decent sized College. BF has the highway benefit.
White River is glaring though. Completely depressed despite being a few 9 irons from the Hanover/Lebanon upper valley area that might be the most thriving Northern New England regional economy save for Chittenden County.
There's more to it than just politics / business climate, but you have a valid point