and this I disagree with to an extent as well. I think people should go out more and celebrate with good food and drink. I would like to see the bad restaurants weeded out, but not due to lack of diners and people spending money. I'd like to see the bad restaurants go away because there are better restaurants out there producing healthier foods for their diners. The world needs to celebrate more and great restaurants and nightlife provide a great avenue for it.
It's cool with me we disagree on this. I would like to see people actually go back to cooking for themselves. Let's face it, most folks eating at restaurants are eating at low-end places several times per week. These are the people that are disattached from their food and they represent the majority. I would like to see a return of eating out as more of an event not a function. Even on the high-end there is more of this year after year. I have always jokingly said that if every cook/chef dropped dead tomorrow people would probably learn how to cook real fast and maybe even get healthy. AS we eat out more and more we get heftier and heftier-no coincidence. I feel strongly changing my customers habits-some previously ate out 5+ nights per week and never packed a lunch!!!!! Sad thing is I would kill for customers like this in the restaurant world.
Oh back to cheap oil. So I would go ahead and assume that somewhere in our lifetime (certainly your kids) oil will become very very scarce. Our rate of consumption with cheap prices will stay steady or likely increase as actual supplies dwindle, leaving us at the mercy of foreign countries. It doesn't matter if oil trades @50 or 200, it doesn't always represent what is really going on. I feel like the government putting an artificial bottom on this will allow us to keep some American money in America while kick starting the market action with both demand and money to look for a solution. How much is left to be harvested is a question but technology will need a good bit to catch up.
To the idea of domestic drilling I wonder how much it would cost beginning to end. Keep in mind OPEC countries will always control the vast majority and could easily lower prices just for the hell of it right? This only seems to make sense if oil is truly scarce...forever.
I don't get mad at OPEC for cutting production when prices are low. It seems in their best interest to sell a limited product as high as possible to stay in the game as long as possible. Those countries have the resources-we are pretty much owned for many more years
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