Well, I couldn't get away for the powder day on Tuesday, so yesterday was the next best option. Arrived at the hill to brilliant sunshine and blue skies. Got out on snow at about 9:00am, went on a fact finding mission until 10am or so scoping out leftover scraps from the storm. The snow quality surprised me because the foot or so that fell was quite dry and fluffy. The cold, dry morning air had dried it out alot.
Got back to the quad a bit late and missed my meet up with tirolerpeter and NYDrew, so the only solution was to ski some more. Spent alot of time on the east side of the mountain, specifically K27. The sun had started to work it's warming magic and the snow was delightful, the best it would be all day.
Got back to the quad and met up with tirolerpeter and NYDrew. We went to the summit and started out for the west side to check Wayout. Somewhere along the line I lost both of them . So, I took a run down Wayout, then one on Clair's, then another on K27. On my way back up, I saw both tp and NYD, so we met up again for good.
We took a run and then went in for some lunch. Seems NYD had jacked his ankle pretty good. Somewhat swollen and bruised. But that didn't stop him. The boots went back on and we took off to ski as much as we could. The rest of the day involved a tour of the entire mountain.
The skiing was great, but the clouds started to roll in for real at about 1:30-2:00pm and everything started to freeze up pretty good. Plenty of snow to turn on punctuated by areas of hardpack and some genuine ice. Best runs were on 44 (Westway), Lower K27 (and anything else on the east side), Cliff to Racer's, and Upper Crossover. We called it quits at about 3:45pm.
Great day! I was particularly impressed with NYDrew who had a bum ankle; he didn't ski like he was in pain and easily handled everything we skiied. The powder-hardpack-powder-ice conditions must've been a strain on him, but he really sucked it up and skiied well.
Let's do it again soon guys!
Got back to the quad a bit late and missed my meet up with tirolerpeter and NYDrew, so the only solution was to ski some more. Spent alot of time on the east side of the mountain, specifically K27. The sun had started to work it's warming magic and the snow was delightful, the best it would be all day.
Got back to the quad and met up with tirolerpeter and NYDrew. We went to the summit and started out for the west side to check Wayout. Somewhere along the line I lost both of them . So, I took a run down Wayout, then one on Clair's, then another on K27. On my way back up, I saw both tp and NYD, so we met up again for good.
We took a run and then went in for some lunch. Seems NYD had jacked his ankle pretty good. Somewhat swollen and bruised. But that didn't stop him. The boots went back on and we took off to ski as much as we could. The rest of the day involved a tour of the entire mountain.
The skiing was great, but the clouds started to roll in for real at about 1:30-2:00pm and everything started to freeze up pretty good. Plenty of snow to turn on punctuated by areas of hardpack and some genuine ice. Best runs were on 44 (Westway), Lower K27 (and anything else on the east side), Cliff to Racer's, and Upper Crossover. We called it quits at about 3:45pm.
Great day! I was particularly impressed with NYDrew who had a bum ankle; he didn't ski like he was in pain and easily handled everything we skiied. The powder-hardpack-powder-ice conditions must've been a strain on him, but he really sucked it up and skiied well.
Let's do it again soon guys!