Snowing hard in Vermont today. Let’s agree to disagree and move on. I apologize for the klan jab, that was out of line hyperbole. Enjoy the snow, avoid the crowds.
Have fun! I could have laid it on less thick, too.
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Snowing hard in Vermont today. Let’s agree to disagree and move on. I apologize for the klan jab, that was out of line hyperbole. Enjoy the snow, avoid the crowds.
There is true hope for this group after all.
What about a sandbox type situation for politics, where say a thread like this is deemed meant ultimately for that purpose and those participating can speak freely while those who don't like it can choose not to participate?
That kind of passive racism delivered in the guise of special treatment or social experience is a real problem in our country.
Your sandbox is nothing but a minefield.
My middle son Peter was placed into an African American dorm/club/house his sophomore year because of a lottery system. Peter didn't list that dorm in his requests for housing. He was told he was chosen because of his racial background and that he would benefit from the experience. That didn't wash for him or me for that matter.
I got involved; I got the same speech that Peter got. And I responded that I had never in my life experienced a more racist and disgusting system. Putting all the black kids into one place and telling them that's where they stay. I threatened to bring legal action and that fixed everything. Peter got a single room in a dorm with the rest of his friends. The last thing racists want is publicity for their racism. That kind of passive racism delivered in the guise of special treatment or social experience is a real problem in our country.
I'm somewhat impressed.
We have been dancing at the edge of lockdown for over a day with this thread yet we have managed to pull back and check ourselves. There was even an apology given.
There is true hope for this group after all.
What do y'all think about this.
What do y'all think about this. Person arrested in CT under a unconstitutional law banning certain speech... 6 months probation, community service and re-education camp for saying N-word in public (not directed at anyone).
I too would like to thank the moderators that opted to let this thread run. The great volume of responses reflect the level of interest, and that is a good thing. I'm actually surprised this happened in January, and not July.This thread has been home to a wonderful discussion. First rate quality in the main. I've been impressed by the thoughtfully articulated disagreements that elucidate the subject of the moment. Sometimes rough and tumble, but with generally fact-based give and take, and admirable humility.
Why should it be a slippery slope? Yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater is a crime only if it incites panic. A stage actor could yell "Fire that worker!" in a crowded theater and not be prosecuted. It is not the word, it is not the place, it is not the speech, it is the action of inciting panic that is criminal. I wouldn't mind revisiting that over used and trite example, and realize that all speech should be protected. It is inciting criminal behavior (Try threatening the President in a public venue with any words you might choose) that has been determined to be criminal. All words should be protected. All actions should not be.Policing speech is a very slippery slope. I think it is necessary to tolerate rude and repugnant speech for the greater virtue of preserving the freedom of speech generally. Moreover, the people that most want to regulate speech are the people you least want to write the regulating laws.
No; there are still plenty of far-leftists who still actually believe that.
In response to "at least most of the left did diversify away from the "we invaded Iraq to steal their oil" conspiracy."
No we invaded Iraq because the Hawks said it was a good idea.(No Pun intended ;-)) We would have a larger military presence in an area of the world that houses a large chunk of our enemies. The Whole idea of the WMD was a construct of the members of Bushes cabinet and Military consultants that knew we needed to get congressional approval to move forward and that was not going to come unless we had a good reason. Sort of Ironic that these types of playing rules are now totally out the window with the current republican regime.
I often wonder how useful discussions like this are. Did any learning occur? Were any opinions changed? I think mostly the answer is no, but therein lies the nugget. Most of us get a window into another point of view in conversations like this. We get some information we didn't have before. We hopefully are a little bit more informed, and maybe that makes us ask a few more questions outside of this forum, and maybe we are reminded to be a little bit more tolerant.