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Killington 3/29


New member
Mar 18, 2008
E. Hartford, CT
Date(s) Skied: Saturday, 3/29/08

Resort or Ski Area: Killington

Conditions: Hardpack/packed powder/skied-in powder

Trip Report:It was the Bear Mountain Challenge weekend, so it was by far the busiest at Bear that I've seen this year. Only really took three trails the entire day, O.L., Devil's Fiddle, and Needle's Eye Lift Line. O.L. was groomed except for the competition bumps, which were hard but skiiable (checked them out after the qualifying was over - I'll be in it next year,) and the ones under the chair at the top. The main part of O.L. got a little choppy as the day went on from all the slow moving hazards that like to frequent when the big scary bumps aren't there (that's another issue for another thread- why people who are uncomfortable on single blacks feel the need to be on double blacks.) Devil's Fiddle was powdery for the most part, but with stretches of hard pack and hard pack bumps between the good spots, and with an exposed rock here or there. The lift line was the best I've seen it this year, I think - nice, powdery bumps, decently spaced with some consistently good lines.

It was a beautiful day, just a few clouds in a nice blue sky. I spent a while skiing O.L., doing the bumps at the top and then using the rest as a way too steep practice groomer. Watched a few of the qualifying runs, a decent mix of age and ability with an emphasis on extremely good amateur bump skiers. Headed over to the lift line and took a few runs. I definitely get better as the bumps soften up, and there a few runs where I was on fire (for me.) I also had the revelation that I'm far better when my hands are out in front than when they're not - it's like it locks the rest of my technique into the place it's supposed to be. It's always good to be in a groove under a chair.

Back to Bear, skied the top of O.L. then crossed over to the Fiddle a few times. Good conditions, but lines were inconsistent and the top (with the rock faces) was roped off. It would be wonderful for the type of person who likes skiing in the bumps but isn't necessarily concerned about taking the fall line or technical bump skiing in general.

Finished on O.L. with a couple runs down the bump course, which was probably 1/2 to 2/3 the length of what I was expecting, and down in size from last year (so I heard.) Took the line between the two competition lines so as not to wear the course down, but handled them well enough to figure that I wouldn't embarrass myself next year. Not top 32, but not ugly. On that note, yes, seeded bumps are fun and good to start learning mogul skiing on, but once you get to a certain level you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't ski natural bumps. Those seeded bumps on O.L., even being decently hard, were by far the easiest I have ever skied on that trail.

It was a good day, probably my longest of the year. Good skiing, good weather, and I'd say better than normal conversation with random people on the ski lift.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
Nice mike, thanks for the report. i use to love to ski killington this time of year, ! great snow and the sun whoo whoo no killington for me this year but still fun to read about other peoples outings, keep them a commin'