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Killington: December 3, 2006


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Date(s) Skied: December 3, 2006

Resort or Ski Area: Killington

Conditions: SM/Variable/Bumps

Weather: Cold and in and out of the clouds. Snowmaking was going...

"Gaper-factor:" HIGH.

Trip Report: Thunderstorms on Friday. Skiing Sunday. Only in New England I guess. We got up real early....well, not as early as some...6:30 am and got on the road a little before 7:30. Plan was to get there early and do some pre-season turns. We pulled into the lot at about 8:15 am and saw that snowmaking was in full force.

Ms. TB joined me. Her first day of the season. My third. We got geared up for a cold and snowy day. Boarded the K-1 and talked with some nice folks including some poor teens who had come up for the weekend....only to be rained out yesterday. :( After getting off the lift, Ms. TB had a great point which she made to me: "why would they plan a trip for the week after Thanksgiving?" I shrugged. Normally things aren't too bad at K-mart this time of year, but this season has been, well, interesting. And it's not their fault.

First run was down Great Northern. Upper part was not bad. Middle was narrow and choked with people and snowguns. This was more what I was expecting last weekend. Ms. TB did well--falling once because she got cut off. We skied down to the base. Snow was not in great shape, but it was better than nothing.

After a foot stretch break and a chance for us to de-layer and for me to get on the Gore Tex (guns were spraying water in some spots), we headed back out and grabbed the Snowdon Triple. The ride was slow and it stopped...plus the sheaves were spraying grease everywhere :blink: We did Upper Mouse Run to Killink and hit the Glades area. Rime was nice on the top and decent down below, but it was getting overrun. Yes, Gaperville. Ms. TB got plowed over by a snowboarder. The chick did not even apologize.

Rime had some rough bumps in places and ice elsewhere. Reason and East Fall were better--HKD towers going kept the posers out and made for soft bumps. We hit this run three times.

We de-iced and headed back up the lift. The Glades Triple...err...North Ridge Triple ran smoothly and the lines moved along. We hit Upper Rime once more before heading down Great Northern to the base. We had to stop a few times because of the crowds. It was :eek:

I told Ms. TB that she had passed the Killington initiation: snowmaking, thin cover, gapers, and tons of people. She is anxious to ski other stuff....on the way out she motioned up to Superstar. "That trail looks nice." My kind of gal! :beer:

Overall, not a bad day. Not as good as last week. Expect thin cover, normal K-crowds, and snowguns. I'd give it a few days. By Wednesday and late in the week, it will be nice. Snowmaking was going on all the open runs as well as Bunny Buster, Mouse Trap, Chute, and on Rams Head (one run).

Best part of the day, besides skiing, was seeing a Killington Celebrity in KBL. Right behind us actually. And only a couple of us noticed. :wink:


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Beano: probably not going to make it to Snow.

I did mention that there were some posers at K-mart who were raising hell. But overall, many kudos to the mountain and patrol for keeping things under control. There have been many visible patrollers and guides who have been monitoring things. They had greeters stopping people before getting to the lodge and handing out warnings and notices as to the conditions and traffic. Very well handled. But there are always some who get through. We saw more today than last week. Ski and ride in control!


New member
Oct 28, 2005
Seattle WA
Sorry I didn't see you TB. Yes, patrollers out in force. Nice to have someone to talk to before heading down knowing Glades was't open yet. K staff did a good job. Can't wait for some real snow. Cheers!


Active member
Oct 27, 2005
hit the k1 at about 8am and until the glades triple opened, we thought those were some of the most dangerous condtions we've ever experienced anywhere. once the glades triple opened, thought rime was mediocre (mostly the crowd) and reason>upper east fall was actually pretty good. despite all the wet guns thought they did a good job overall reopening the hill.


Sep 16, 2002
The Watch City
Got there at 11am (hey, I was driving all the way from Pinkham Notch!) and the Gondi line was short, but the crowds on the trails were too much. Being blinded by the snow guns spraying my goggles and skiing into tight, bumpy trails full of people sitting on their butts was too much. I quit after three top-to-bottom runs.

Had there been half as many people, i would have been happy. Or if they'd moved the snow guns to unopened trails. Or if I had automatic wipers on my goggles.