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Loon 1/9/18


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
First time at Loon in almost 15 years. Never had a desire to go back after experiencing a mob scene the first time I went and considering how great the mountain up the street is, it's easy to drive past. But, figured I'd take advantage of the Max Pass and check it out on a weekday.

Started off on the South side which wasn't there last time I was there. Perfect place to start...few people, basic amenities and close parking. Blasted around over there for a little while. That lift is very fast compared to the other expresses on the main mountain. Perfect for yoyo runs. Groomers were all in great shape thanks to the light traffic, great carving conditions. Hit the one glade which was a good run as well. A little thin and pretty skied out but not too bad.

Headed over to the main mountain and spent most of my time on North Peak. A little more slick over there, guessing it got a lot more traffic the past few days. Walking Boss Woods were totally shot...worn out everywhere and lots of debris. Woods next to Angel Street and Mike's Way were much better. Seemed like less people got into those and there was much better cover and much softer snow. Triple Trouble and Big Dipper were fun with some patches of powder still lurking around as well as some thin spots and ice, but good runs and not a soul around thanks to the closed double.

Made the mistake of taking one of the blue cruisers to the gondola base and regretted it. Triples were closed for some reason so the gondola was the only way out. Even on a Tuesday where every other lift on the hill was a total ski-on, the gondola still managed to have a 15 minute line. How a resort still has a 4-passenger gondola in 2018 is just crazy to me. Made sure to stay out of there the rest of the day, just had to avoid the lower half of the blues and cut to North Peak or the Kanc.

Finished up back at South and was surprised to find the cruisers still in perfect shape right up to the closing bell. A little scratchy on the steeper sections of Twitcher and Ripsaw but fast and carvable everywhere else.

Glad to have gotten out. Gotta admit the cold weather kept me inside the past couple weeks, just didn't seem worth it to me at that point but now with the rain coming I kinda wish I got out a couple times. Loon is great to have on the Max Pass, incredibly easy to get to and fun place to blast around on a weekday. Obviously I'd rather keep driving another 10 minutes up 93 from there but at least it isn't Waterville :D


Jan 5, 2014
Was there on Wednesday. Best conditions were probably on South and like Tuesday the only line was on the gondola (also only did it once).