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Loon March 31 April 1 & 2


Oct 14, 2004
Canterbury NH, Bethel Me
Temps on Friday reached 70.. Clear skies Friday ....Sat mid 50's Sun then Rain Sunday Mid 50's Sunny.
Snow was soft. but not mushy up top
Wet soft snow at base

I took Friday off and skied with a few of the Locals. What a Day the crowds were very thin and the snow was good. I did laps on Angel St to start the morning and worked my way to Flume it was hard to leave it.
Upper walking boss was fine as well. Top to Bottom, picked rock was in Fine shape. I enjoyed Blue ox are well. This is probably my favorite lower mountain trail. The shade it get keeps the snow nice in spring.
No lines anywere all day. The Gondola and the North Peak chair were the ways of the day. The East Basin double was not running. Normally that would bother me, but with no Gondola line it was easy. I was not the 1st, but I got to hang a bit at Camp 3 in the sun. Suntan lotion was needed.

I was surpised how well the snow held up up top. Really no big moguls built up just fun soft turning snow.

I skied Sat and Sunday as well. Sat started out with a bit of rain 1st thing and then the Sun came out. The snow was not as good as Friday, but Nice. The Mountain Dew Vertical Challenge was going on so the West Basin was not the place to be. I was there My son was a racer.

We skied until 1.30 when the skies opened I mean opened. It Rained so hard and thunder was supposed to be coming soon. The lifts shut down and we slushed out way down in the cold rain and it seemed like Sleet. It was awful. Around 3is They opened back up but I was soaked. We did bring dry gear to change into.

Sunday was still nice, but a few thin sports showed up with the rain and warm weather. There was nobody to be found. Loops on the lifts with no lines. I did have a 5 min Gondola wait once. Upper Flume Froze up and did not open, but walking Boss and Angel st were fantastic again. Rum Runner and Blue ox were the runs of the day. Around 3pm I called it a day and woke up Monday.