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Loon Mountain: April 15, 2006 (Spring Skiing with Ga2ski, Bob R and family!)


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Date(s) Skied: April 15, 2006

Resort or Ski Area: Loon Resort

Conditions: VC (Corn, soft snow, ice, WG, etc). Weather:Drizzle and rain to start, fog in the morning, lifting to reveal blue skies and sunshine. Warm temps in the 60’s.

Trip Report: AlpineZone Loon Day. It finally happened. This winter weather had prevented me from skiing with Loon expert, Bob R and family and this weekend was now or never. As I left the Upper Valley at 7:30, I noticed some blue skies trying to work their way in. The skies over Moosilauke were more ominous. I drove up over the mountain to find fog and drizzle. Made it to Loon in 1:15 which was great. I pulled in to find an almost empty parking lot and a foggy mountain. After rendezvousing with Ga2Ski and Bob, I grabbed the tickets and got on the gondola.

“There was blue sky in the Upper Valley this morning,” I said with an added optimistic, “hopefully this will lift.”
“Doubtful. I heard socked in all day. No rain though,” replied Bob R. :(

We departed at the summit and began the first descent—Angel Street the entire way to Camp III. The rain and fog made it difficult to see, but there were no crowds to worry about. I was worried that this was going to be the day—rain, fog, and poor visibility. But I was clad in Gore Tex and ready to go. We rode up the North Peak HSQ and then followed Bob down Picked Rock all the way to the Kanc Area. Bob was a great tourguide—showing us his routes and his daily constitutional. “I can ski it in two hours,” he said with a smile.

Thanks to fast lifts, we nailed a lot of great runs all day long. Bob had been going since 8am.

We did our tour of the base hitting Rumrunner, Rampasture, Lower Picked Rock (with DEEP cover) :beer: , and Blue Ox before ricocheting back to the Gondi and hitting Cant Dog to Basin Street.

The North Peak was still socked in, as we learned on our careful descent of Flume, so we headed to the base via Brookway and took another spin on the gondi. The clouds were breaking and we were hopeful…

Flying Fox was the next number and it was in great shape. We headed to Camp III and met C, T, and Mrs. R. Great crew. Lots of fun. We hit Walking Boss—one of my favs—and found plenty of soft snow and bumps. Next run was down Sunset and down Picked Rock where the kids hit the jumps with Ga2ski.

After a nice lunch in the sun and blue skies 8) :beer: :D , we hit the gondi and took Bear Claw to the Kanc area. We did some more spins down those trails before heading to North Peak and doing Walking Boss again. At about 2pm or so, Ga2ski and Bob headed out leaving me with the Mrs. and C. We had a great time hitting the steep stuff again—Walking Boss, Sunset to Cant Dog, Angel Street Twice, and Picked Rock. At 3:30 I said goodbye to them and decided to do just ONE more run to close the place. Last guy on the gondi at 3:40 and took Flying Fox to Grand Junction and the base.

While packing up, I was entertained along with the folks on the deck, by the crew that was hiking up the terrain park. Ski Patrol put the kibosh on that though much to our disappointment. :roll:

I headed out shortly after four and came across emergency vehicles just north of town—looked like maybe a water accident or something—dunno :blink:

Nice to ski with Bob and his fam. T is a great skier and Bob’s son, C, is an absolute riot. Funny as hell. Great kid. Mrs. R was nice and a great skier…she was trained at Gunstock. If you haven’t done a trip with Bob, you don’t know what you’re missing. He’s the man for Loon. Pro. Better take advantage before he begins charging for tours or something :wink: :lol:


New member
Apr 23, 2005
Southern NH, work or in the Mountains
as TB said it was great day.He went into great detail so I'll keep it short. Bob's family was very fun to ski with. I was very happy once the sun came out. Hopefully i'll see everyone again at BW next Sunday

Bob - thanks again for the tour of your "home hill". Lucky for me, i know you and didn't have to pay for the tour.

TB - Thanks for the ticket.



Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
No problem, Ga2ski.

Man, it is nasty outside right now! Cloudy and cold. Glad we went yesterday....even if we had to ski in fog and rain for some of the day. The afternoon was mint.


Oct 14, 2004
Canterbury NH, Bethel Me
Guys I had a blast as well. MY daughter was tired at 2 so Leaving was a good thing. My wife and son enjoyed getting to stay around. My son adopted Ga2ski and TB as his own.:idea: He had a great time hanging with the boys. Nice patience guys.:smile: The best skiing day was Friday followed by Monday due to the weather. Friday was almost 70F and the crowds were actually bigger Friday than Sat, Sunday or Monday. Any Friday skiing is a bonus. Monday we skied as a family for 1 1/2 hours only, get away day. I bought our passes for next season and headed home to do yard work. I made opening and closing day at Loon with 40 days in there and 46 on my booth creek pass. 9.97 per day. Very sad to see it end.:cry:

Always fun to go out with good skiers and rip it up. The am on Sat was a little bit hubling, skiing with no vision due to the fog. See ya next Sunday.:idea: