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This was a day that will long stay impressed in my memory. The only thing as good as skiing Mad River Glen was spending time with Betsy Pratt. She and her husband bought the hill in 1972 and 20 years later sold it to the Co-op after rejecting several other proposals. To say Betsy is opinionated would be an understatement. I stayed at her Mad River Barn last night, which was a Sunday. I wasn't expecting a private audience with one of the great pioneers of Vermont Skiing, but with only three guests in the Inn, there was no other option. Betsy has incredibly great business acumen. She and her husband were very well educated, and took a chance. At the time she and her husband moved to Mad River in the 50's, there were only four official ski areas in VT, not counting the rope tows. Betsy must be in her mid-80s, fit as a fiddle and roaring with energy,
This morning, she was setting herself to do a little skiing, but first had to get to a ski shop and see about new bindings. Some people had been telling her that her bindings were "too old". Betsy, being the frugal Yankee woman, scoffed at the idea, but resigned to it, when she could not get anyone to work on them!
We talked about so many things, including why the Barn was for sale and why it's taken so long to sell. Like MRG, she is hugely selective in selling it to just the right people, for just the right purpose. Which is the biggest reason why it's been on the market for so many years.
The barn is the funkiest, most meandering structure I've been in save for castles. You can get lost finding the dining room, or the beautiful fireplace with bear, elk and moose on the walls. The bar really rocks on the weekend, and a traditional dinner is served on Saturday night.
Betsy has been known to throw customers out if she didn't like their behavior, she is diminutive in stature buy tall in intelligence, business sense and hospitality.
So I sat there and listened to her. I really didn't want to go to MRG but after an hour, I did. the mountain will always be there, but Betsy will not. I would encourage each and everyone of you to spend a night at her Barn. It's not the Hilton, and it's not a B&B with a mint on your pillow, but it works. She expects a pile of people in each room. I believe the total number of rooms exceeds thirty. There is so much more I could tell you about, but the day left me weary. I am unskilled with my new cell phone camera, and most of the pictures did not turn out, better luck next time!
As I said good-bye, Betsy looked me square in the eye and said "I hope you enjoy my mountain!"
Read more about Betsy and her love affair with MRG.
The skiing, ah the skiing. Just as Betsy left it, MRG stands unchanged. A beautiful day, the clouds socked in the top and flurries danced around all day. Beautiful snow, great trail conditions. The day before had been a powderfest. I'm told cars parked way, way up the road. My legs were still weary from Sugarbush but MRG is just such a lovely place to be. The all natural trails are the best, and the woods were great. I had to keep re-calibrating my trail ratings: green is blue, blue is black, black is double+ black. I could only stay a half day, just as I was getting into a groove, it was time to leave. Enjoy the photos. This boy is gonna crash real soon.
Those MRG lift lines at 11AM are just horrendous!
Too many peeps on the trail!
The Single Chair reigns over its subjects. As I took this shot, a fellow shouted down from the single, "you've just taken a picture of history!" So right. So right.
My favorite trail was the one of the most beauty
No straight shots here. You never know what's around each corner. I love old style narrow winding trails.

This morning, she was setting herself to do a little skiing, but first had to get to a ski shop and see about new bindings. Some people had been telling her that her bindings were "too old". Betsy, being the frugal Yankee woman, scoffed at the idea, but resigned to it, when she could not get anyone to work on them!
We talked about so many things, including why the Barn was for sale and why it's taken so long to sell. Like MRG, she is hugely selective in selling it to just the right people, for just the right purpose. Which is the biggest reason why it's been on the market for so many years.

The barn is the funkiest, most meandering structure I've been in save for castles. You can get lost finding the dining room, or the beautiful fireplace with bear, elk and moose on the walls. The bar really rocks on the weekend, and a traditional dinner is served on Saturday night.

Betsy has been known to throw customers out if she didn't like their behavior, she is diminutive in stature buy tall in intelligence, business sense and hospitality.
So I sat there and listened to her. I really didn't want to go to MRG but after an hour, I did. the mountain will always be there, but Betsy will not. I would encourage each and everyone of you to spend a night at her Barn. It's not the Hilton, and it's not a B&B with a mint on your pillow, but it works. She expects a pile of people in each room. I believe the total number of rooms exceeds thirty. There is so much more I could tell you about, but the day left me weary. I am unskilled with my new cell phone camera, and most of the pictures did not turn out, better luck next time!
As I said good-bye, Betsy looked me square in the eye and said "I hope you enjoy my mountain!"
Read more about Betsy and her love affair with MRG.
The skiing, ah the skiing. Just as Betsy left it, MRG stands unchanged. A beautiful day, the clouds socked in the top and flurries danced around all day. Beautiful snow, great trail conditions. The day before had been a powderfest. I'm told cars parked way, way up the road. My legs were still weary from Sugarbush but MRG is just such a lovely place to be. The all natural trails are the best, and the woods were great. I had to keep re-calibrating my trail ratings: green is blue, blue is black, black is double+ black. I could only stay a half day, just as I was getting into a groove, it was time to leave. Enjoy the photos. This boy is gonna crash real soon.

Those MRG lift lines at 11AM are just horrendous!

Too many peeps on the trail!

The Single Chair reigns over its subjects. As I took this shot, a fellow shouted down from the single, "you've just taken a picture of history!" So right. So right.

My favorite trail was the one of the most beauty

No straight shots here. You never know what's around each corner. I love old style narrow winding trails.

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