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Mont Tremblant and Bolton Valley - 3/5-3/6


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
tremblant was pretty rad overall. it's amazing how much snow there is north of montreal. huge banks on the sides of the roads. just looks and feels like winter. headed to the edge first. the main top to bottom glade skiers left is pretty sweet. lots of unmapped glades i kept popping into as well, especially off of the duncan chair. pretty jam packed day of skiing, 7 hours, and >20k feet. would have cleared 30k if not for the crowds, which were somewhat substantial. apparently its quebec school vacation week.

only negative - two lifts broke down. i was waiting on the singles line for duncan, and expo chair was stopped when i got there. about 5 minutes after i got to duncan they closed expo and expo's entire line came barrelling for duncan. lots of chaos and line cutting and i almost got into a fight with some french frogs who tried to cut the singles queue. so that created a major clusterfuck because those two lifts are the only way up from that base and it was a busy day. then towards the end of the day, i was on line for the chair on the frontside that starts at mid mountain and goes to the summit, and the same shit happened.

soleil side has some really good skiing, and also some "hike to" stuff under the lift that looks real fun, as well as some gnarly western style cliffy terrain sort of near there too. it's "hike to" because you have to ski down into a really huge gully and then climb out in order to get to the stuff i'm referring to. and not like side step with your skis on. you have to full on take the skis off and climb up a pretty hefty and nearly vertical bootpack hill. it was definitely tracked tho and people definitely do it and i doubt it's frowned upon or a pass pulling offense, because it was substantially tracked and is right under the chair. looked fun but didnt want to deal with the hiking, wanted to maximize my downhill ski time since i was only doing one day in quebec. anyone have any intel on that terrain under soleil towards the bottom?

how cool is that tiny old school apls-ish soup and snack and beer hut midway down soleil tucked into the woods? pretty great.

i skied the hardest stuff on their trail map and never felt the fear, but had a great day and would go back. i cleared 500k tracked vertical. i probably truly skied 500k around day 22-25. lots of days the phone dies in the cold and hours go untracked

Bolton was what I expected - limited open terrain and sketchy surfaces. but, the wilderness chair hasn't opened all season, and it's long and strenuously hikeable from the vista chair, so I decided to enjoy the sun and have a big hike. ended up in 1500 vertical of untracked glades. when i finally popped out of the woods after the hike, i ran into two guys who had just skinned up, singing US Blues. the grateful dead and skiing are pretty much the most compatible thing ever. A little bit of a top crust layer but enjoyably skiable. skied everything open off of vista, and mostly everything closed off vista (preacher, cobrass, and the two glades over there). timberline is too low and there is barely any cover on anything except for the liftline. poking into the woods over there was no bueno. Had fun and was glad to use my voucher and sell an extra voucher for $20.

embedding never works for me, so here's an album with a few shots. check out canadian jerry (gerard?) in his peacoat. all conditions pics are of bolton (one of vista glades in good shape, glades near preacher in bad shape, view from top of wilderness). tremblant i was too busy skiing powder, only a road shot approaching the mountain, and gerard.



Active member
Jan 27, 2014
I love Tremblant. It's not the most challenging of mountains, but great for the family and still plenty of fun glades and moguls. Can't beat the convenience of the village. My kids basically learned to ski at Bolton so I have a soft spot in my heart for BV. Only issue is that the infrastructure there is outdated and so they open late and close earlier than surrounding places and they often can't open Wilderness. That said, BV is still a ton of fun. When we're up there we tend to ski at SB and Stowe, but I'll have to try BV again in good conditions.

Thanks for the report.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
I'm a big fan of the independent small area vibe of bolton and will gladly go back in better snow. that vista chair is slow as shit tho. can't imagine the wilderness chair is much better.


Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Seacoast NH
Timberline is my favorite section of that mtn to ski due to the no super slow chair and less noticeable run-out than the others.


New member
Jan 12, 2012
keep the faith
Timberline is my favorite section of that mtn to ski due to the no super slow chair and less noticeable run-out than the others.

It's my favorite as well since they cut Lost Girlz, probably my favorite sort-of-on-map woods at the moment.

Start down Lost Boyz then right near the top you see a hole in the woods to your left, you'll be able to see there is another cut in there. This cut is steeper and narrower than Lost Boyz, and denser trees, and the steeps last long enough to make it a thrill. Then it gets flatter and heads more to the left in what must be a natural stream bed or something, because this whole section is shaped like a natural half pipe although a lot more interesting than that.

End up crossing one trail but you can ski trees almost all the way down to the chair.

Found a couple pics of it online... Upper:



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