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Mount Ellen: 3/30/08 (The Farewell Tour)


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Date: March 30, 2008

2006 Trip Report #: 53

Resort: Sugarbush

Conditions: MG/FG/SC in certain areas.

Weather: Sun. Temps Warming into the low 40's.

Trip Report: Well I ventured back up to hit the favorites one more time before Ellen closed. The game plan was to ski from about 11 until close. I got there to find the lot FULL. :eek: So I grabbed a spot WAY down near the bottom and began the hike up.

Grabbed the chair and did a spin down a firm Cruiser to North Ridge. Seeing that Lower FIS looked good the day before, I took Rim Run to Lower FIS and checked it out. Run of the weekend, folks. Corn and soft bumps. It was AMAZING and I hit it about six times...



I loved it because it had softened up and few were skiing it...I threw in South Bound and Spin Out for good measure as well. The cruisers were nice, but they get old...Elbow was getting shredded as well. Did a spin down Tumbler and it sucked...had not softened up enough.

I skied Walt's Way and Walt's Woods to find more soft snow...and then rode up Inverness and hit Semi-Tough Woods. Wow. Amazing.

Walt's Woods


Semi-Tough Woods:


The views and conditions were stellar...and the crowds were heavy....


Before the day ended I braved Upper FIS and found good snow...but the lower third was sketchy with the ice:


Well, I skied down Lower FIS and hit one of the last chairs of the season. I decided that one more spin down Lower FIS was in order...very nice.

I am going to miss Ellen...looking forward to more next season!

The gallery.