Date(s) Skied: Saturday April 2, 2011
Ski Area: Mount Sunapee - Newbury, NH
Conditions: Powder, Packed Powder, Spring Snow
Trip Report:
Headed over first thing in the morning from my Brother's place in New London and had a great white knuckle ride on the icy back roads and literally slid right into a 3/4 full parking lot #1. Booted up and hit the hill around 8:30 and hacked up as much powder snow as we could before things got two wet. Things where pretty good in certain sections of the trees but the cover was also a tab bit on the thin side so you did have to use some caution. Either way managed four good runs in the woods before being relegated back out onto the trails.
While I'm on the subject of woods and glades, just a friendly reminder to all the snowboarders and skiers out there who rush into the woods on a powder day and proceed to zamboni (side-slip) all the lines.........wait for those who can actually ski it to pack it down for you! Thanks!
Anyway spent the rest of the day cruising around the mountain hitting up most of the favorites before the snow got way to sticky and decided to call it a day and head over to the beach to enjoy the rest of the afternoon.
Here's some pictures
After relaxing on the beach for a couple hours we headed over to the festival tent to check out O.A.R. Great show and a perfect way to end an awesome day. Rumor has it that they sold the place out with over 2500 tickets sold!
Here's some pictures, Enjoy!!
Ski Area: Mount Sunapee - Newbury, NH
Conditions: Powder, Packed Powder, Spring Snow
Trip Report:
Headed over first thing in the morning from my Brother's place in New London and had a great white knuckle ride on the icy back roads and literally slid right into a 3/4 full parking lot #1. Booted up and hit the hill around 8:30 and hacked up as much powder snow as we could before things got two wet. Things where pretty good in certain sections of the trees but the cover was also a tab bit on the thin side so you did have to use some caution. Either way managed four good runs in the woods before being relegated back out onto the trails.
While I'm on the subject of woods and glades, just a friendly reminder to all the snowboarders and skiers out there who rush into the woods on a powder day and proceed to zamboni (side-slip) all the lines.........wait for those who can actually ski it to pack it down for you! Thanks!
Anyway spent the rest of the day cruising around the mountain hitting up most of the favorites before the snow got way to sticky and decided to call it a day and head over to the beach to enjoy the rest of the afternoon.
Here's some pictures
After relaxing on the beach for a couple hours we headed over to the festival tent to check out O.A.R. Great show and a perfect way to end an awesome day. Rumor has it that they sold the place out with over 2500 tickets sold!
Here's some pictures, Enjoy!!