A chilly start today! Temps were in the single digits when we rolled up around 9 ish. Snow was good...very cold; it squeaked underfoot / ski. We hit Snowdance early and it skid very very well. Did a run down Canyon....hit RiverRun over to TNF. Watched a dude skid down The Ripper. Sounded scratchy as all hell. Similar situation under the lift....very scratchy bumps. Oh, bumps on roller coaster were a bit icy as well.
I feel like a tool even brining this up. Despite all the snow, there was a fair amount of scratch in the bumps and on the natural trials. The latest snowfall was so light, there's no way it could have been packed down. But beggers can be choosers and the big dump was a welcome addition. I was still able to hit a little deep stuf at the edges of sone trails.
Thanks Walt ripped good, as did Cascade. Choke had some nice powder bumps. As mentioned, some of the naturals were a little thin, but they were open and a welcome change from our regular trails.
All in all, a gat day. Despite the cold, the sun was blasting, no clouds and hardly any wind.
I feel like a tool even brining this up. Despite all the snow, there was a fair amount of scratch in the bumps and on the natural trials. The latest snowfall was so light, there's no way it could have been packed down. But beggers can be choosers and the big dump was a welcome addition. I was still able to hit a little deep stuf at the edges of sone trails.
Thanks Walt ripped good, as did Cascade. Choke had some nice powder bumps. As mentioned, some of the naturals were a little thin, but they were open and a welcome change from our regular trails.
All in all, a gat day. Despite the cold, the sun was blasting, no clouds and hardly any wind.