New member
Date(s) Skied: 12/5/07
Resort or Ski Area: Okemo VT
Conditions: Packed Powder with Powder to be had
Trip Report:
Decided against driving to Northern VT for a day trip since it seems like everyone got hit with this past storm. I have a S-O-S midweek pass, so hit up Okemo for "free".
Arrived at 9:am and it was 13 degrees and becoming sunn, with only a slight breeze - decent snow showers when I left at 12:30
Typical Okemo - almost everything was groomed smooth
But the side of even the groomers had kneee deep fluff to play in 
Knowing that usually there are several trail on the South Face which are generally not groommed immediately, I headed over.
Found this - chopped up, but lots of untouched on the sides to harvest: This trail, I rode probably 8 times - no exageration - and not once did I have to share the trail - Okemos customers REALLY do tend to stick to groomers….oh well more for me
The snow was L I G H T and fluffy…lo moisture contenct - so damn tasty to play in. Many times my feet and board were gone below the knees!!!!!!
Some other non-groomed goodness found on the main mountain.
VT is looking like midwinter not Early December!!! GET up there!!!!!
Resort or Ski Area: Okemo VT
Conditions: Packed Powder with Powder to be had
Trip Report:
Decided against driving to Northern VT for a day trip since it seems like everyone got hit with this past storm. I have a S-O-S midweek pass, so hit up Okemo for "free".
Arrived at 9:am and it was 13 degrees and becoming sunn, with only a slight breeze - decent snow showers when I left at 12:30
Typical Okemo - almost everything was groomed smooth
Knowing that usually there are several trail on the South Face which are generally not groommed immediately, I headed over.
Found this - chopped up, but lots of untouched on the sides to harvest: This trail, I rode probably 8 times - no exageration - and not once did I have to share the trail - Okemos customers REALLY do tend to stick to groomers….oh well more for me
The snow was L I G H T and fluffy…lo moisture contenct - so damn tasty to play in. Many times my feet and board were gone below the knees!!!!!!
Some other non-groomed goodness found on the main mountain.
VT is looking like midwinter not Early December!!! GET up there!!!!!