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Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Given the extraordinary times everyone in literally the entire world is going through, the moderating team at Alpinezone collectively agreed to relax the no Politics rules on AZ and let folks speak their minds on such subjects.

Skiing and Riding has always been the great equalizer. A common ground where people of all political persuasion and socioeconomic backgrounds can come together over the same passions.

Unfortunately, it's become readily apparent over the past few weeks that allowing political discussions has lead to far too divisive attitudes in those discussions with frequent trolling, flaming and just overall disrespect between AZ members. It just doesn't work for what this place has always set out to be. A place of inclusion and respect for the common passion of being outdoors whether skiing, hiking, biking, boating etc. It has gotten too ugly and all of the moderating team feels that allowing politics has been a failed experiment.

Moving forward the long held policy of no politics will be enforced with little exception. If you want a place to stump and then troll, flame etc. because you feel your politics are superior to others, we suggest you find another forum to do so. It's just not what AZ is about. Failure to follow this protocol will potentially result in being banned.

Let's all hope the pain and disruption of this health crisis is soon behind us and we salvage a great summer enjoying the outdoors with friends and family and an even better 2020-2021 skiing and riding season for all.

Thank you for your understanding.
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