Why not? If I were a billionaire, I'd definitely buy a small ski resort like a Plattekill or a Sundance, and keep it somewhat affordable, small, Mom & Poppy and old-school. Frankly, I'm surprised this hasnt happened more often.
Sometimes I think about that never gonna happen scenario in life and buying Wildcat. Then I remember how I had to work 70-80 hours a week as a middle manager at a ski area and what a bitch it was to staff them. I then say, naw, multiple passes, slope side real estate at say Jay, Saddleback and the Yellowstone Club sounds pretty good.
Then there's just the billionaire mentality and desire to make ever greater amounts of money. I think about the dude Bacon who bought Taos. He's seemingly slowly moving away from the old school charm it's known for. The excuse always being sustainability of the business.
Maybe these new Killington pros bring back the early season twofer though. That would be sweet