Active member
(passed along from another list)
Skier Baggage Surcharge Protest
As many of you may know, the airlines are talking about imposing a $25 surcharge for your 2nd bag which will be charged each way. That means an additional $50 on your next trip where you bring your skis and boots, or scuba gear if you're a diver, golf clubs, or any other sporting equipment. EICSL is a member of the National Ski Council Federation and an individual member has set up a web site which will send an e-mail to United and US Air who plan to go ahead with the surcharge starting 5/5/08 as well as a second e-mail to the other airlines discouraging them from imposing the same charge. I encourage everyone to go to the website and send the e-mails. It only requires that you put in your name and e-mail address, but you can also add whatever additional comment you wish below the form letter they have created. The site is at
Looks like I'm probably going to get nailed for $100 to get my skis back and forth to Washington next weekend on Alaska Airlines. Baggage over 63 inches gets charged $50 each way. I wish I would have thought of shipping it via FedEx a couple of days ago. It would have been $57 each way. However I would have to ship them 3 day now which would bump the shipping price up to $125 each way. :x
Does anyone know if Mt. Baker rents good skis?