New member
Why people want their favorite hills to be in this useless gaper Top Ten listing is beyond me. The higher a hill ranks in this list, the higher the chance that it will be overrun by a bunch of Range Rover driving, ski gear color coordinating, "oh my god, look at your nails! they came out so nice!" saying New Jersey losers named Court and Brittany. Trust me, I know cause I live in this horrible state.
Besides, how many skiers who's opinions you actually value do you know that vote in these things? 95% of votes that make up this list come from people that care more about the quality of the creppes and the french wine in the nearby resaturants than they do about the quality of the tree skiing.
Ski mag should do us all a favor and stop publishing.
I voted in it for 2 years, then they stopped sending me forms. I don't know how I got picked in the first place. I like it, besides the gear issue it's the only other issue I care if I see. Most voters may not be hard core, but I am. To me it's entertainment, I've never planned a trip by the ratings.
As far as your take on creppes eaters, there would not be a ski industry as we know it without the casual skier and his family. They are the biggest contributer to the cash flow of most any ski resort.