Well, I upgraded to a Motorola Backflip yesterday for a whopping zero dollars. Pretty cool. I finally got all my Email accounts working and Corporate Sync works well with Exchange. At first I didn't like Motoblur, but it's actually a nice way to manage all Email, texts. Once I figured out how to get rid of everyone's Facebook updates clogging the home screen...
I'm in search of the absolute best radar app there is. I'm a big fan of Intellicast's pan and zoom on desktop computers so I'd like something similar. Suggestions?
I've been using Weather Bug for weather. The map seems pretty good to me, they use Google maps with a weather overlay. You can pan and zoom (I can see your house with it). Plus it will mark your current location on the map (or an approximation if you don't the GPS on). In addition to the map it has the ability to send weather alert notifications for whatever area you're in. Of course it will give you the forecast for where you are, or whatever location you want. It also streams local weather cameras and apparently has a national weather video that you can play.
I'm not as into following the weather as some, but I like this app. Plus you can't beat the price.