Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: 3/18/06-3/19/06
Resort or Ski Area: Smugglers' Notch, VT
Conditions: Powder, PP, WNDBLN, ICE
Trip Report:
Great weekend at Smuggs. Snowed just about non-stop the entire weekend.
Started off at Morse and boarded the Village Lift. It was a slow lift that servided mainly beginner terrain, so we went down Midway to the main mountain. The beginning of Midway is fun, but then it turns flat with poling required.
Next run was up the quicker Madonna Summit Double down Chilcoot to Upper Catwalk to Upper FIS. FIS was very nice considering it was freshly groomed the night before. Skiied to the bottom on Link to Lower Liftline, both nice blue cruisers.
Another ride to the summit to Drifter. At this point, it was good in some places, but with 3 icy drops. We cut off onto Shuttle which was good besides one icy drop. That brought us to Lower Rumrunner which was a great blue Cruiser.
Next was a ride up the slow Sterling Double. The locals claim a high speed quad will be going in there in the near future. Started off on Thomke's which had some powdery spots. Also had plenty of ice. We dropped into Highlander Glades which was decent, but low on cover. We cruised to the bottom on Treasure Run from there.
Next run was all of Upper Chilcoot. It had quite a few beginners on it being that it's the easiest way down. From there, we went down Goat Path. It was supposed to be closed, but there was no closed sign and just a rope on the ground. It looked nice at the beginning, but as soon as we went around the corner, it turned icy and nasty. We made our way to Link and cruised to an early lunch around 11.
Next were the Drifters to Red Fox Glades. They weren't greatly covered, but doable. We went under the lift for a bit before going into 3 Mtn. Glades. These were also pretty thin, but decent lines. Took a nice header at the end after going a little too quick off the grooming banking back onto Link.
Next up was Upper Drifter to Shuttle. It was about the same as earlier, with just a bit more ice. Runrunner was still nice all the way to the bottom.
There was a 5 minute wait at the Sterling Lift, which lead us to Upper Rumrunner. It had good snow. That lead to Black Snake which was also nice, but on part was ungroomed and was pretty nasty. We took Harvey's Hidewaway from there which was also sketchy.
Another ride up Sterling led us to Smugglers' Alley. It was OK, but the drop was pretty scratchy. From there, we took Black bear which was also pretty thin and bumpy.
Next was a run down FIS from the summit. By then, it was pretty icy and tough at the top, but pretty good after that. McPherson's was pretty good as well.
By then, it was 2, so we took a coke break before heading back out for 3 final runs off the summit. All were Catwalk to Red Fox Glades to 3 Mtn Glades. Catwalk was beat up bad and the glades were getting thinner. By then, it was time to call it a day.
Woke up to 3" at the base and nearly a foot at the summit. First run was down Drifter. Found a few waist deep drifts. The same 3 hills as yesterday were bare ice still from the wind. Red Fox Glades and 3 Mtn Glades were great.
Next run was down FIS. Wow, crud galore. Plenty of places to make nice turns and still a nice base underneath. A few places for powder, but it was mainly tracked out at that point. Took some nice powdery turns down Link from there.
Next up was a ride up Sterling down Upper Rumrunner. Groomed perfectly. Went down Black Snake, which still had the 1 bad drop, but was great otherwise. Finished off on the steep snakebite, which was cruddy in a similar fashion to FIS.
Next was a top-to-bottom run on Chilcoot. Great the whole way, a perfect grooming. It was 10:30, time for another early lunch. When I was getting my lunch, my goggles were stolen. I was pretty ticked considering they are the 2nd most expensive thing I wear (2nd to the skis). Blew $30 on a replacement pair of Smith goggles, which were decent.
I spent 6 runs from 11:30-3:30 doing Drifter-Red Fox-3 Mtn. the trees were just awesome today besides the occasional snake or two. Tried Norwegian Woods once, which were crap, so I stayed out of those for the rest of the day.
So, that ends my weekend at Smuggs. Nice mountain, but it may be 2 years before I get back because I want to try Stowe instead next year. I'll be at Wawa Wednesday and K next Sunday-Monday.
Resort or Ski Area: Smugglers' Notch, VT
Conditions: Powder, PP, WNDBLN, ICE
Trip Report:
Great weekend at Smuggs. Snowed just about non-stop the entire weekend.
Started off at Morse and boarded the Village Lift. It was a slow lift that servided mainly beginner terrain, so we went down Midway to the main mountain. The beginning of Midway is fun, but then it turns flat with poling required.
Next run was up the quicker Madonna Summit Double down Chilcoot to Upper Catwalk to Upper FIS. FIS was very nice considering it was freshly groomed the night before. Skiied to the bottom on Link to Lower Liftline, both nice blue cruisers.
Another ride to the summit to Drifter. At this point, it was good in some places, but with 3 icy drops. We cut off onto Shuttle which was good besides one icy drop. That brought us to Lower Rumrunner which was a great blue Cruiser.
Next was a ride up the slow Sterling Double. The locals claim a high speed quad will be going in there in the near future. Started off on Thomke's which had some powdery spots. Also had plenty of ice. We dropped into Highlander Glades which was decent, but low on cover. We cruised to the bottom on Treasure Run from there.
Next run was all of Upper Chilcoot. It had quite a few beginners on it being that it's the easiest way down. From there, we went down Goat Path. It was supposed to be closed, but there was no closed sign and just a rope on the ground. It looked nice at the beginning, but as soon as we went around the corner, it turned icy and nasty. We made our way to Link and cruised to an early lunch around 11.
Next were the Drifters to Red Fox Glades. They weren't greatly covered, but doable. We went under the lift for a bit before going into 3 Mtn. Glades. These were also pretty thin, but decent lines. Took a nice header at the end after going a little too quick off the grooming banking back onto Link.
Next up was Upper Drifter to Shuttle. It was about the same as earlier, with just a bit more ice. Runrunner was still nice all the way to the bottom.
There was a 5 minute wait at the Sterling Lift, which lead us to Upper Rumrunner. It had good snow. That lead to Black Snake which was also nice, but on part was ungroomed and was pretty nasty. We took Harvey's Hidewaway from there which was also sketchy.
Another ride up Sterling led us to Smugglers' Alley. It was OK, but the drop was pretty scratchy. From there, we took Black bear which was also pretty thin and bumpy.
Next was a run down FIS from the summit. By then, it was pretty icy and tough at the top, but pretty good after that. McPherson's was pretty good as well.
By then, it was 2, so we took a coke break before heading back out for 3 final runs off the summit. All were Catwalk to Red Fox Glades to 3 Mtn Glades. Catwalk was beat up bad and the glades were getting thinner. By then, it was time to call it a day.
Woke up to 3" at the base and nearly a foot at the summit. First run was down Drifter. Found a few waist deep drifts. The same 3 hills as yesterday were bare ice still from the wind. Red Fox Glades and 3 Mtn Glades were great.
Next run was down FIS. Wow, crud galore. Plenty of places to make nice turns and still a nice base underneath. A few places for powder, but it was mainly tracked out at that point. Took some nice powdery turns down Link from there.
Next up was a ride up Sterling down Upper Rumrunner. Groomed perfectly. Went down Black Snake, which still had the 1 bad drop, but was great otherwise. Finished off on the steep snakebite, which was cruddy in a similar fashion to FIS.
Next was a top-to-bottom run on Chilcoot. Great the whole way, a perfect grooming. It was 10:30, time for another early lunch. When I was getting my lunch, my goggles were stolen. I was pretty ticked considering they are the 2nd most expensive thing I wear (2nd to the skis). Blew $30 on a replacement pair of Smith goggles, which were decent.
I spent 6 runs from 11:30-3:30 doing Drifter-Red Fox-3 Mtn. the trees were just awesome today besides the occasional snake or two. Tried Norwegian Woods once, which were crap, so I stayed out of those for the rest of the day.
So, that ends my weekend at Smuggs. Nice mountain, but it may be 2 years before I get back because I want to try Stowe instead next year. I'll be at Wawa Wednesday and K next Sunday-Monday.