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So whose bright idea was the 5 day work week anyway?


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Somewhere Between the Toeside and the Hellside
Agreed I will never work like this again. I generally work sun-wed and start at about 6:30 or so, get done around 3 or four. I feel more nourished and healthy, smoke weed and drink hardly ever, and am overall much healthier. I will never work in a restaurant, club, or hotel again. Ever. For me this is a pay sacrifice that is tough to take but in the end worth it.

I definitely feel the same way. I would only work full time again in that environment out of desperation. Outside of upper management at such places (and even not always those positions) the schedule for the jobs in that sector is maddening. In that industry it's really no surprise to me the amount of people I worked with who had drug and alcohol problems or both. The partying was honestly my initial attraction to the occupation when I was a 19 year old college drop out living on Cape Cod and in Stowe. There was a party every night and young, fun and attractive women to hang with at ease. I definitely self medicated more than was healthy at times (read often) over the years working in that field. Early on it was due to temptation and later on due to stress as a manager.

I will say I occasionally miss the intensity of the field. Well, more like rarely. Sometimes I do think about the intensity of my old jobs managing 60 people with 20 different functions going off for the day where you're in the weeds from 6AM until midnight, but you somehow, someway pull it off and all get together afterwards and get sloshed at a bar celebrating a good day. In peak times it almost becomes a mind game of endurance as you're pulling 6 days straight at 14-16 hours a day because you're perpetually short staffed. I think about that about once every three months :lol:

While I would never consider working full time in the field again, I really hope to continue my part time work for as long as I can. I have the perfect set up right now. I bartend at the old hotel I worked at once every six weeks. There's no responsibility, I have a good time with the guests, make decent money ($15-$25 Cash an hour) and get all of the travel benefits. The hotel deals I get are criminal.

Guess I'm getting greedy. I moved on from the above to a M-F 9 to 5er and now I want a Tues-Friday daytime schedule :lol:

i agree with you guys its better to work durring the day but there is no way i would ever go back to a proper 9-5 job. there just is the quality of life that i need.