You had a pass at Ragged and you live in Southeast NH? That's a trek for 1200 vert.
edit: though I guess there isn't much else in your area and Ragged skis big.
90 minutes door to door for me to get to Ragged. 5-10 minutes longer if I get caught behind someone slow on the back roads. Sunapee and Loon are both slightly further from home, but also MUCH more expensive and crowded.
Gunstock is a 70 minute drive, Crotched and Pats are 80 minutes.
I essentially budget $8-900 a season on season pass and lift ticket expenses. So, for the past 6 years living here, I've had passes to Ragged, Gunstock and Crotched and then buy various other discount products to be able to ski 10+ areas a season in addition to the home mountain.
In a perfect world for me, Crotched would offer an excellent seeded bump offering (like Sundown) and I'd stick with a Granite Pass for $619. Then I would probably ski 10-15 days at Crotched and 5-10 between Attitash and Wildcat and still have a few hundred bucks in the budget to to buy a combination of RideandSkiNE, SkiVT or Fox44 cards to explore other areas of New England.
As it's now looking, I'm skipping a pass for next year and I"m going to buy all three of the above discount cards and just play the field for next season.
It's nice to have a pass to a particular mountain for convenience, but even without one I seem to always be able to get in 25-30 days a season for about $800, usually less.