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Sugabush - Mt Ellen March 30, 2008


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2005
MA & Fayston, VT
Date(s) Skied: Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ski Area: Mount Ellen at Sugarbush

Conditions: Brilliant blues skies, temps warming up to 30 at the summit 40+ at the base. Midwinter packed powder, powder, spring snow

Trip Report: Sunday was the final day of lift serviced skiing at Mt Ellen this year. Too bad because the mountain is still 100% open and conditions were mid winter like on a beautiful spring day. We spent a lot of time early on the North Ridge and Summit chairs covering all the groomers on up top Rim Run, Looking Good, Elbow, Cruiser, Which Way – all were excellent. FIS was good up top but an interesting crust / ice sheet for the last 25 yards to the intersection of Rim Run. Saw a few amazing skiers straight line the ice at high speed rather than take safer lines on the side of the trail. Mid morning was a run down the soft bumps on Tumbler. Took a few runs off Inverness chair – a sprint down Walt’s Trail followed by several laps of a nicely softened Semi Tough woods. After lunch we went back up top where it the snow was still in prime shape. Lower FIS was the run of the day – soft, fast and spring snow at lower elevation. Overall another great day at Mt Ellen and a sad farewell until next season.