Jan 7-8
Packed Powder
Hi, I was up for our CISC race clinic so I spent most of my time on Spring Fling. I did however manage to get a run down Steins after they shut of the snow guns Sunday Morning and it was fantastic. Word is they are using new heads on the tower guns which makes much drier snow. Great cover,bumps and great snow. The natural trails looked a bit thin but Castle Rock was up and running
Packed Powder
Hi, I was up for our CISC race clinic so I spent most of my time on Spring Fling. I did however manage to get a run down Steins after they shut of the snow guns Sunday Morning and it was fantastic. Word is they are using new heads on the tower guns which makes much drier snow. Great cover,bumps and great snow. The natural trails looked a bit thin but Castle Rock was up and running