Active member
Date(s) Skied: 11/26/2010 (will likely add 27 and 28 to this thread as well)
Resort or Ski Area: Sunday River - Newry, Me
Conditions: Manmade, mostly wet and manky, some groomed, some wild.
Trip Report: Skied SR today, rolled into Barker at 10:00 on the dot and was one of the first people to swipe one of the premium parking spaces without having to pay for it. (They open them to everyone at 10:00AM)
Lift lines were practically non-existent all day, I think the most I had to wait was three chairs at Locke at one point (I got there right after the lift had stopped for some reason), and other than that, everything was basically ski-on.
Since I was here last Sunday, they've opened two more lifts (Spruce triple and south ridge quad), and a few trails (Risky Business, Ecstacy, Cascades, Jim's Whim, Tourist Trap, Outta Here and some of the South Ridge trails). The weather overnight was a wintry mix. It was snow when I woke up, but my car had a shell of ice under the snow, likely from freezing rain.
The snow was wet and heavy across the mountain today, some trails more so than others... But I still had a good time today, There were quite a few spots where some bumps were forming early afternoon, and everything was carvable and edgeable... When the sun game out around noon, this only became more true.
It's supposed to be pretty cold at the base tonight (I believe an inversion is predicted) so I'm interested to see what that does to the snow surface for the morning.
Overall, a pretty fun day on the mountain, and better than shopping!
Off to grab a pizza / beer at the Matterhorn! (After the end of this crazy Auburn - 'bama game...)
Resort or Ski Area: Sunday River - Newry, Me
Conditions: Manmade, mostly wet and manky, some groomed, some wild.
Trip Report: Skied SR today, rolled into Barker at 10:00 on the dot and was one of the first people to swipe one of the premium parking spaces without having to pay for it. (They open them to everyone at 10:00AM)
Lift lines were practically non-existent all day, I think the most I had to wait was three chairs at Locke at one point (I got there right after the lift had stopped for some reason), and other than that, everything was basically ski-on.
Since I was here last Sunday, they've opened two more lifts (Spruce triple and south ridge quad), and a few trails (Risky Business, Ecstacy, Cascades, Jim's Whim, Tourist Trap, Outta Here and some of the South Ridge trails). The weather overnight was a wintry mix. It was snow when I woke up, but my car had a shell of ice under the snow, likely from freezing rain.
The snow was wet and heavy across the mountain today, some trails more so than others... But I still had a good time today, There were quite a few spots where some bumps were forming early afternoon, and everything was carvable and edgeable... When the sun game out around noon, this only became more true.
It's supposed to be pretty cold at the base tonight (I believe an inversion is predicted) so I'm interested to see what that does to the snow surface for the morning.
Overall, a pretty fun day on the mountain, and better than shopping!
Off to grab a pizza / beer at the Matterhorn! (After the end of this crazy Auburn - 'bama game...)