I did answer two questions though. :razz: There will never be a summit lift on the frontside, just too windy, it wouldn't make sense. Also, I wasn't be sarcastic about the new trail, it is awesome that lower double bitter will be a trail again. They needed that. Also it will be cool to view the terrian park from the lift. I am interested in the spillway chairs, all kidding aside. Do I think anything will happen soon, no. But I do really wish something would. Lapping all the stuff off the spillway x-cut with a high speed lift would be pretty sweet.
If you want a bunch more questions go post this on the unofficial sugarloaf chat. They'll have a ton of question, but be warned they will probably rag on sugarloaf even worse then me.
Are there any plans to add bathrooms, or even a little snack stand at the summit gondi station?
Are any more glades or trails being cut this summer?
Is there any plan to expand to burnt hill anytime soon?
I heard rumors of hotel being built over at the base of west mountain. Why there? And would you plan on adding a HSQ or a new lift if you built a hotel over there?
Just a few random questions I though of. You can use them if you want.
Awesome. And what is the URL of this Sugarloaf Chat Site???