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The Crappy Day Thread


New member
Nov 15, 2005
Doing a good job got me all the work while the sub par employees did barely anything. - Yup. That's why I've decided to go from an A employee to a B (maybe even C+)
Never saying no to a job got me all the work while sub par employees did barely anything. - I'm pushing for sub-par this year
Learned not to go into management because with OT we would always make more then salaried managers did. - I didn't have a choice, but I would love to go back to being a tech again.
Got laid off in 2006 and will never go back to it unless i need a couple more bucks"My terms and only available to do so from mid April-November".Meaning i would take a job and just quit to fit my schedule. - Consulting?
I learned that we could live on 1/2 of what we were making without any real cutbacks. - Good to know.
I learned that without the stress from my old job life was pretty enjoyable. - I've already cut my hours to less than 40/week
I learned i was pretty miserable. - Overall, I'm a pretty happy guy
I learned that nobody cares about you except you. - It didn't used to be that way


New member
Mar 12, 2007
Southington, CT
I am not too sure on the transfer of car deal. Are they going to pay you mileage now to cover gas, maintenance, taxes, etc. What happens if the car dies in 2 months and you need a new one, is that out of your pocket? Will they make you buy a new car every 2-3 years to represent the company well? Can you get whatever type of car you want next? Just make sure you cover all your bases on this cause as my boss tells me that company cars really don't cost him a bunch since it falls under his business expenses.

I am fortunate enough to have a company car and be able to use it for personal use too, hell those of you that I hang out with probably don't even know what I sell since the only thing you see coning out of the back of it is a bike or skis!.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
I am not too sure on the transfer of car deal. Are they going to pay you mileage now to cover gas, maintenance, taxes, etc. What happens if the car dies in 2 months and you need a new one, is that out of your pocket? Will they make you buy a new car every 2-3 years to represent the company well? Can you get whatever type of car you want next? Just make sure you cover all your bases on this cause as my boss tells me that company cars really don't cost him a bunch since it falls under his business expenses.

I am fortunate enough to have a company car and be able to use it for personal use too, hell those of you that I hang out with probably don't even know what I sell since the only thing you see coning out of the back of it is a bike or skis!.

Are they going to pay you mileage now to cover gas, maintenance, taxes, etc - yes, at what ever the going rate is, which I think right now is $0.51/mile.

What happens if the car dies in 2 months and you need a new one, is that out of your pocket? - It's all on me going forward. I'm pretty lucky that my car only has 32K miles on it. One of my friends car has 300K! :-o

Will they make you buy a new car every 2-3 years to represent the company well? - Nope.

Can you get whatever type of car you want next? - Nope. You get the car that is currently assigned to you.

I've told me bosses that I won't be doing any job site visits going forward, so there will no more need for me to keep a yellow strobe beacon or hard hat/safety vest in the car either. I'll travel as necessary to office buildings for meetings, but I won't be transporting any equipment if I can't fit it in my laptop bag.


Jan 21, 2005
hyde park,ny
Work for Endeavor telecom doing vonage and some router installs and trouble tickets.Work for Avid technology doing POS troubles.I also work for a vendor at Home depot taking care of plants which is 40 hrs a week from april-july then drops off to about 5 hrs a week after xmas.I am a fill in as a laborer for a carpenter when his guys call in sick.Also some gardening work. I went from almost 80k to less than 20k a yr and am a much happier person for it.
Aug 23, 2007
Root are you trying to get fired??

I leased my car for 3 years and the company bought it out..pays for gas/insurance everything..so now I have an extra 5 grand a year in my pocket..


New member
Jun 27, 2007
Northern NJ & Near Boston
The circumstances (change of car use and loss of call pay) you describe are frustrating, demoralizing, financially hurtful and my initial reaction would probably be the same as yours. I do hope though that in time you are able to step back and perhaps not adjust your work behaviour as dramatically as you describe. I may be stating the obvious, but being an average employee in this economy could well get you severed if future layoff rounds hit your company.

Time may also cause the company to re-assess some changes made; perhaps future changes will impact you less negatively. You do need to look out for yourself, but don't make any moves that draw attention to you in a negative way. Best to be a steady, invisible employee these days.

Best of luck adapting to this new model.