Where are there examples of Magic publicly trashing other areas in their marketing? I'm not seeing it on their website. I follow them on Facebook and nothing has ever really stood out.
All I see is Magic differentiating themselves from the competition with the uniqueness of their product. The only thing I see in a casual review of their website is a slight ribbing of Killington for a couple of former K employees joining the Magic team. You really have to look for that though. I'm sure 99% of visitors to their site won't even find the "hmmmmm" comment. If that makes you not want to ski there because they are being mean to Killington, well then you might be a bit uptight.
Is it just ski forums some feel that Magic puts down other areas? Even that is a bit of a stretch.
I mean maybe on forums there's a little bit of ribbing towards others
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There are no examples because we don't. Never have. Well, except of course where I stated above that Magic has superior powder skiing terrain and leaves more fresh out there for the customers- which is nothing new and hardly trashing anyone. Everybody knows those things. Heck, all of the Stratton managers that live on Magic Circle will straight up tell you the same exact thing, Strat BANKS on that. If they are looking for groomers, trail count or a village we happily send them across the valley- where we also have many friends that work and play. There is 0 animosity between mountains around here, and a little something for everyone.
I don't get where people think we are "trashing" other mountains by pointing out our very obvious differentiation (which we HAVE to do in order to not get lost in the ocean of competition among peers with massive marketing budgets), and are the only mountain I'm aware of that actually limits day ticket sales to preserve the uncrowded slopes we regularly laud the virtues of... So I really don't understand the idea that we are out to gouge people for every penny of profit- that's simply not the case and never was or will be. We actually give up a ton just to try to get locals and those who have a hard time affording it otherwise venues of access... I understand how the internet works, though. Someone will always think that because we are real people that we are subpar in our efforts, and I'm ok with that too. We go WAY above and beyond to promote transparency and there's 150+ pages of answers and communication here to prove it. The people who understand what we are doing and the tiiiiiiny niche we are hand-chiseling out for ourselves in this space dominated by giants will continue to appreciate it, and that's all I can really work for effectively.
I can only hope that enough people "get it" to balance out the ones starving for outrage enough to feel slighted by our marketing schtick or promotional deals' limitations or restrictions. Whatever harm felt there is certainly unintended- but one might even wonder if it's unavoidable once you reach a certain level of popularity or success though. Transparency and communication will always be a double edged sword and we will try to continue to communicate things as we can, but this whole "Magic gets away with stuff" is a load of bull that I absolutely reserve the right to take issue with. As seen above, we can't even get away with speaking candidly and realistically without dozens of posts complaining. It's really quite ridiculous once suing people gets brought up, and nobody but me thinks that is hilariously out of line. We will keep posting, but I will certainly be dialing it back- not that I personally feel some kind of way about what was said but I'm increasingly concerned that there's nothing I can say and I don't have time to back-and-forth with people when they will never quite understand what I'm saying anyways. Cheers to everybody for caring though, the snow is coming soon!