New member
Wow, very tough. I have to go with Paradise at Sugarbush, at least if the glades off the side of it can count as being on-the-map. It provides a good variety with a nice bump run if you stay on the trail, and some nice trees to skier's left. I guess Paradise at MRG is similar in providing lots of variety, and that would be up there as well, as would Fall Line at MRG. My favorite completely ungladed run would probably be Middle Earth or Castlerock Run, with Mall and Spillsville (too short) up there as well. My favorite completely gladed run would probably be Valhalla at Jay. There are so many good runs, though, especially at SB, MRG, and Jay. I haven't skied enough at Stowe or at all at Smuggs, but I'm sure I'd have an even harder time chosing my favorite if I had.