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Things that annoy you


Active member
Dec 26, 2004
Since Jim hasn't been around I thought in his stead I would try and help out. :lol:

I just read in the paper some interesting info......

Second hand smoke is bad, no doubt, but did you know that being around a scented candle for two hours the amount of lead put in the air exceeds minimum safe standards. Beauty/cosmetic, cleaning products put bad stuff in the air. Burning incense, lots of stuff. Personally, I'm amazed I'm still living.

So, if your sensitive to second hand smoke and you spray hair spray to keep those locks in place, wear so much cologne that people can smell you coming 50 feet away, as your relaxing around the hot tub or the whirlpool tub in the bathroom and your burning 20 jasmine scented candles or your smoking some weed and you haven't figured out that nowadays your not hiding the smell with the incense but actually letting everyone know in the area that you are smoking some weed or clean the floor in the kitchen with some ammonia based cleaner...you might want to add a few things to your list. :wink:
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Moe Ghoul

New member
Apr 6, 2008
Philly, PA / Jeffersonville, VT
Currently: Sears repair service and the new Subway jingle, " 5 dollars for a foot long...Five dollars, five dollars.........." somehow that popped into my head driving back from dinner tonite, lol.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
As in things you do or things that happen, not what other folks do to annoy you.

Garden appliances:

Hoses: Invariably, they kink, curl, get caught around steps, rox, and get wedged under tires.

Extension cords: Same as above and they pop out of the blower, weedwhacker, etc.

Any random pedestrian walking past my property woulda thought I cut a foot off with the lawn mower the way I cursed and screamed about the aforementioned annoyances.

Hoses and extension cords should coil up nicely. The preferred method is the over under technique. The lessor method involves giving the cable or hose a 1/2 twist each time you create a new loop.

Either way, this will also prolong the life your your hose or cords. When you plug the extension cord in to your yard tools, make an overhand not using the pig-tail on the tool and the cord.

I'd be willing to bet Hardline could explain it better. I haven't really done it in years.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Currently: Sears repair service

Same here :lol:

When I bought my place, the refrigerator had it's center shelf missing from the freezer and also without the manual so I couldn't locate the part number. Looking in the freezer it was clear that a shelve going across the entire width once existed as their are shelve stays on either side.

I look up the model through their online parts website and don't see the part. I call customer service and first they try and sell me a manual for $11 to look up the right part. Then they say that this ice maker shelve part listed is the right part. The 8th grade level sketch of a picture didn't look right and the lady couldn't give me the dimensions. It was not a stocked part, I had to roll the dice and order it. I get it in and it's clearly not what I'm looking for.

I call back and have a bit better luck. The lady actually opens the manual and sees the correct part, which they don't have listed, but need to research with Kenmore. She also informs me that I can go to managemyhome.com and download the manual for free. Then after haggling they agree to pay for shipping to get the old part back and will try and find me the correct one.

When in the future I'm a forced to buy major appliances for my homes, I will buy from the local guy. Sears sucks

Moe Ghoul

New member
Apr 6, 2008
Philly, PA / Jeffersonville, VT
Same here :lol:

When I bought my place, the refrigerator had it's center shelf missing from the freezer and also without the manual so I couldn't locate the part number. Looking in the freezer it was clear that a shelve going across the entire width once existed as their are shelve stays on either side.

I look up the model through their online parts website and don't see the part. I call customer service and first they try and sell me a manual for $11 to look up the right part. Then they say that this ice maker shelve part listed is the right part. The 8th grade level sketch of a picture didn't look right and the lady couldn't give me the dimensions. It was not a stocked part, I had to roll the dice and order it. I get it in and it's clearly not what I'm looking for.

I call back and have a bit better luck. The lady actually opens the manual and sees the correct part, which they don't have listed, but need to research with Kenmore. She also informs me that I can go to managemyhome.com and download the manual for free. Then after haggling they agree to pay for shipping to get the old part back and will try and find me the correct one.

When in the future I'm a forced to buy major appliances for my homes, I will buy from the local guy. Sears sucks

This is my first bad experience with them, so I've been patient, since everyone deserves one FU. But when I posted the service visit 4 weeks ago this Wednesday, I knew this was going to happen by simply observing the repair kid. Essentially, he couldn't diagnose the problem, so after spending almost 2 hours showing us his buttcrack lying on our kitchen floor, the decision was to take a shot gun approach and order new parts. Were still waiting for one part which "they" claim is supposed to arrive Monday. "They" told us this on Friday. "They" must think I was born yesterday. :dunce:


Active member
Aug 27, 2007
Seeing this guy brought into a tied playoff game. :uzi:


Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
Can someone tell me how hard it is to get the shopping cart to the corral?
They have those corrals all over the stupid parking lot, so you don't have to walk that far to use the damn things!!!!
but noooooooo, you gotta leave the freakin cart in the parking lot, but thats not bad enough, you either let it roll into my car, or leave it in the middle of the parking spot so no one can use it!!!.

Whew, I feel better now!

Shopping carts left willy nilly in parking lots.

Cart Corrals are there for a reason, use them!!

How many times are you going to post the same annoyance in the same thread? :roll:

You know what really annoys me? People who post the same thing over and over again.. ;)

Seriously I was thinking of that first post when I put our cart into the corral on Friday, I even said to Carrie that I was doing it because I wouldn't want to upset you. ;)


Active member
Oct 19, 2007
Reno - North Lake Tahoe
How many times are you going to post the same annoyance in the same thread? :roll:

You know what really annoys me? People who post the same thing over and over again.. ;)

Seriously I was thinking of that first post when I put our cart into the corral on Friday, I even said to Carrie that I was doing it because I wouldn't want to upset you. ;)
Well as long as you know whats important! :)