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Things that annoy you


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
But my Ho-Hos and big ol' tub-o-ice cream are in the car, melting. And by the time I waddle my fat-ass back from putting the stupid cart away, I'll have to eat an extra Ding-Dong to keep from going into insulin shock.


think you definitely pegged the type right there :lol:


New member
Feb 7, 2004
Can someone tell me how hard it is to get the shopping cart to the corral?
They have those corrals all over the stupid parking lot, so you don't have to walk that far to use the damn things!!!!
but noooooooo, you gotta leave the freakin cart in the parking lot, but thats not bad enough, you either let it roll into my car, or leave it in the middle of the parking spot so no one can use it!!!.

Whew, I feel better now!
......sometimes when I'm alone with the kids, I don't corral the cart. Because I don't think it's responsible to leave them alone in the car. Don't kill me.....

Does it bother you when you start to pull into a parking spot, only to find that there is a cart smack dab in the middle of it?
YES!!!! Even in spite of my transgression, I don't leave carts in the middle of parking spaces. I'm usually parked next to one of the islands and hook it onto those so they can't go flying around the lot.

Dr Skimeister

New member
Nov 3, 2005
McAfee, NJ
There are several markets in my area that force the inconsiderate or lazy to put their shopping carts into the corrals by putting coin-operated locks on the carts. To use a cart, one must put a quarter into a little device that allows the cart to be unlocked from the cart in front of it in the line. When done shopping/unloading, the cart then gets hooked to another cart in the corral which frees the quarter.

You'd be surprised how many fat butts waddle with their carts to the corral to reclaim their 2 bits.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
There are several markets in my area that force the inconsiderate or lazy to put their shopping carts into the corrals by putting coin-operated locks on the carts. To use a cart, one must put a quarter into a little device that allows the cart to be unlocked from the cart in front of it in the line. When done shopping/unloading, the cart then gets hooked to another cart in the corral which frees the quarter.

You'd be surprised how many fat butts waddle with their carts to the corral to reclaim their 2 bits.

Its unfortunate it has to go that far. No disrespect to you severine in my rant; as a non-parent, your situation hadn't occurred to me. My guess is that most people don't have the same reasoning as you though and its just laziness. I guess it's just an upbringing thing. As a kid, they didn't have corrals for the carts and my folks always brought them back to the store front and would bitch about the stray ones in the parking lot. Even today unless I'm parked far away I bring the cart back to the store front out of habbit.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
There are several markets in my area that force the inconsiderate or lazy to put their shopping carts into the corrals by putting coin-operated locks on the carts. To use a cart, one must put a quarter into a little device that allows the cart to be unlocked from the cart in front of it in the line. When done shopping/unloading, the cart then gets hooked to another cart in the corral which frees the quarter.

You'd be surprised how many fat butts waddle with their carts to the corral to reclaim their 2 bits.

I'd give that market a +10 in my book for that maneuver!


New member
Feb 7, 2004
There are several markets in my area that force the inconsiderate or lazy to put their shopping carts into the corrals by putting coin-operated locks on the carts. To use a cart, one must put a quarter into a little device that allows the cart to be unlocked from the cart in front of it in the line. When done shopping/unloading, the cart then gets hooked to another cart in the corral which frees the quarter.

You'd be surprised how many fat butts waddle with their carts to the corral to reclaim their 2 bits.
We have one in town that does that. Ironically, I've never had to return a cart because there has always been someone hovering, watching me unload who comes right over and gives me their quarter to take my cart. I kind of like that system. :D

Its unfortunate it has to go that far. No disrespect to you severine in my rant; as a non-parent, your situation hadn't occurred to me. My guess is that most people don't have the same reasoning as you though and its just laziness. I guess it's just an upbringing thing.
I do try to park near a corral most of the time, just because it's easier to unload the kids out of the car right into a cart anyway (and then I can return the cart afterwards much easier). But I don't always get a choice in where I park. And I do feel bad doing it because before kids, I always returned carts. But now, I have to put their safety first. I'll walk a couple cars' length away (with them locked in the car) to return. But not more than that.

I do agree though that most are just lazy fat butts. :lol:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
We have one in town that does that. Ironically, I've never had to return a cart because there has always been someone hovering, watching me unload who comes right over and gives me their quarter to take my cart. I kind of like that system. :D

I do try to park near a corral most of the time, just because it's easier to unload the kids out of the car right into a cart anyway (and then I can return the cart afterwards much easier). But I don't always get a choice in where I park. And I do feel bad doing it because before kids, I always returned carts. But now, I have to put their safety first. I'll walk a couple cars' length away (with them locked in the car) to return. But not more than that.

I do agree though that most are just lazy fat butts. :lol:

All 3 of my local chain grocery stores (Stop n/ Shop, Price Chopper and Big Y) all have the spots on either side of the corrals signed off as "customer with child" parking and a picture of a kid riding in the shopping cart seat on the sign. The corral location tend to be mid way back in the parking row (i.e. 1st 2 spots by the door for handicapped stickers, then 4 or 5 "free for all" spaces and then the customers with kids/cart corrals. Works pretty well for me when folks actually follwo the sings. I put the groceries in the car 1st, then buckel the kids in their seats and then walk to literally 5 feet to put the cart in the corral, and I'm on my way home. No coin-op carts needed yet in my neck of the woods.

My other annoying thing is at a convienance store where the gas pumps are close to the building and someone whose NOT getting gas, but running into the store to pick up a pack of smokes or a box of twinkies for their way oversized sweat pants clad fat a$$ parks IN THE FIRE LANE/ NO PARKING ZONE, blocking the gas pumps so they won't have to walk the extra 20 feet from the designated parkign spaces to the front door of the store :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: About 2 weeks ago I saw this happen, where the lady came flying into the store parking lot, parked right infront of the store door/fire lane to run into the get a carton of smokes. Well, the cop that was there in the parking lot went over to her car and just waited for her to come out(I was getting gas on the other side of the island about 15 feet from this at the time), she comes out with her Newports in hand, and the cop asks her "Ma'am, are you aware that you're parked in a prohibited area and that's there's an open parking space right over there next to my cruiser?" She starts going off on the cop, swearing at him! :eek: A hefty fine later and I'm guessing from the proper time and date and charge of "disorderly conduct" I saw in the local crime blotter/arrest report in the local paper this week, justice was served ;)


Active member
Oct 19, 2007
Reno - North Lake Tahoe
......sometimes when I'm alone with the kids, I don't corral the cart. Because I don't think it's responsible to leave them alone in the car. Don't kill me.....

YES!!!! Even in spite of my transgression, I don't leave carts in the middle of parking spaces. I'm usually parked next to one of the islands and hook it onto those so they can't go flying around the lot.
Carrie, you are the rarity, and clearly not the reason for my little rant. Absolutely no reason to beg forgiveness. :)

However, when you pull into a store, and find two carts in the corral(s), yet 20-30 lingering around the parking lot, I can not be convinced that every one of those carts are left by responsible mothers, such as yourself.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
My other annoying thing is at a convienance store where the gas pumps are close to the building and someone whose NOT getting gas, but running into the store to pick up a pack of smokes or a box of twinkies for their way oversized sweat pants clad fat a$$ parks IN THE FIRE LANE/ NO PARKING ZONE, blocking the gas pumps so they won't have to walk the extra 20 feet from the designated parkign spaces to the front door of the store :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: About 2 weeks ago I saw this happen, where the lady came flying into the store parking lot, parked right infront of the store door/fire lane to run into the get a carton of smokes. Well, the cop that was there in the parking lot went over to her car and just waited for her to come out(I was getting gas on the other side of the island about 15 feet from this at the time), she comes out with her Newports in hand, and the cop asks her "Ma'am, are you aware that you're parked in a prohibited area and that's there's an open parking space right over there next to my cruiser?" She starts going off on the cop, swearing at him! :eek: A hefty fine later and I'm guessing from the proper time and date and charge of "disorderly conduct" I saw in the local crime blotter/arrest report in the local paper this week, justice was served ;)

I love that kind of justice


Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
My other annoying thing is at a convienance store where the gas pumps are close to the building and someone whose NOT getting gas, but running into the store to pick up a pack of smokes or a box of twinkies for their way oversized sweat pants clad fat a$$ parks IN THE FIRE LANE/ NO PARKING ZONE, blocking the gas pumps so they won't have to walk the extra 20 feet from the designated parkign spaces to the front door of the store :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: About 2 weeks ago I saw this happen, where the lady came flying into the store parking lot, parked right infront of the store door/fire lane to run into the get a carton of smokes. Well, the cop that was there in the parking lot went over to her car and just waited for her to come out(I was getting gas on the other side of the island about 15 feet from this at the time), she comes out with her Newports in hand, and the cop asks her "Ma'am, are you aware that you're parked in a prohibited area and that's there's an open parking space right over there next to my cruiser?" She starts going off on the cop, swearing at him! :eek: A hefty fine later and I'm guessing from the proper time and date and charge of "disorderly conduct" I saw in the local crime blotter/arrest report in the local paper this week, justice was served ;)

That really irritates me too! I LOVE to hear that justice was served in that case! :lol: She was probably rushing because she was late to go stand in front of a store entrance and blow smoke in people's face... :roll: (for clarification I'm not saying that all smokers do that, but the kind that can't be bothered to park in parking spots and argue with police about it probably do.. ;) )

I don't really give a crap about shopping carts in the lot. I usually put mine away, if I have one, but it really doesn't bother me when other's don't.


Active member
Apr 28, 2004
flatlands of Mass.
I don't really give a crap about shopping carts in the lot. I usually put mine away, if I have one, but it really doesn't bother me when other's don't.
The worst shopping cart offenders are at the home improvement stores...no only do the people leave the carts all over the place, but they block off other parking spaces when they are unloading their stuff.

One other parking lot peeve...people who need to load the back of their vehicle but park their car nose-out...:-?


New member
Oct 28, 2004
I don't really give a crap about shopping carts in the lot. I usually put mine away, if I have one, but it really doesn't bother me when other's don't.

unless they are smoking and you have to smell it...


Active member
Oct 19, 2007
Reno - North Lake Tahoe
One other parking lot peeve...people who need to load the back of their vehicle but park their car nose-out...:-?
This is also a ski resort pet peeve.
I actually had this happen to me last winter.
I was parked, nose in, when this dumb ninny backs in the adjacent parking spot, (nose to tail)
He goes to the back of his Suburban, opens it up and begins taking his skis out. Unable to balance everything, he rests the tails of his skis on the hood of my jeep, tips of course, resting on his bumper. :evil:
I asked him kindly if he'd allow me to put my ski bag on the hood of my jeep before he caused damage to it. His reply, "I'll only be a minute."
WTF does that mean?:roll:


Active member
Oct 19, 2007
Reno - North Lake Tahoe
I thought about taking my boots off and resting them on the hood of his Suburban while I put my shoes on, "for a minute". But, alas, that is just not my style.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
WTF does that mean?:roll:

this :uzi: :uzi:


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
junk anything annoys the hell out of me. junk email, junk mail, telemarketing. The latter isn't such a problem these days as the do not call list seems pretty affective, but the email and the mail is still ridiculous. There should be do not contact lists for all forms of communication.