Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: 1/29/2011
Resort or Ski Area: Stowe; Stowe, VT
Conditions: Packed Powder, few bare spots on Spruce Peak...
Trip Report: Just got back from the ride up to Stowe this weekend. I love the vibe of the area, especially riding up the lifts with some olllld timers. While conditions were good, they are still lacking the monster storms we've been getting here in Eastern Mass. It wasnt more evident then over at spruce peak, with the bare spots and rocks. Didn't snap any pictures, but it was snowing all day, which kept the mountain fresh. TRD was Hayride, with nosedive a close second. All in all, according to my ski app, i managed to get 17,149 vert yesterday. Not too shabby with the long lines, and a break for beers and lunch!
Resort or Ski Area: Stowe; Stowe, VT
Conditions: Packed Powder, few bare spots on Spruce Peak...
Trip Report: Just got back from the ride up to Stowe this weekend. I love the vibe of the area, especially riding up the lifts with some olllld timers. While conditions were good, they are still lacking the monster storms we've been getting here in Eastern Mass. It wasnt more evident then over at spruce peak, with the bare spots and rocks. Didn't snap any pictures, but it was snowing all day, which kept the mountain fresh. TRD was Hayride, with nosedive a close second. All in all, according to my ski app, i managed to get 17,149 vert yesterday. Not too shabby with the long lines, and a break for beers and lunch!