Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: January 30th, 2010
Resort or Ski Area: Stowe Mountain; Stowe, VT
Conditions: Packed Powder, Machine Groomed, Frozen Hard Pack and COOOOLD!.
Trip Report: This was my first trip up to Stowe ever... As someone who has skied throughout New England, it was just one of those places I never ventured to due to cost, distance and etc. But with the wife nagging me to go to Stowe because of their cute village... well I figured why not.
My friend and I got to the lifts at 8:00 when they started turning. The base was showing a temp of -6 and the summit was about -12 up top. The first run was Gondolier, and it was frozen wind blown hard pack ungroomed. Not very fun to say the least! We took the goldi up again and decided to take the clifftrail down to Lower Nosedive... a much better choice as everything was nicely groomed out. After that we took the summit quad up to Lord and then Hayride, and then back up the summit chair lord to sunrise... then the triple down to easy mile... At this point the snow loosened up... and we made our way back up to the summit to ski nosedive. After nosedive we headed over to spruce to make a few runs on Sterling and Upper Mainstreet/Mogul field. The last few runs of the day were back over on Perry Merril... and at 3pm we called it a day. All in all a great day on the snow!
Resort or Ski Area: Stowe Mountain; Stowe, VT
Conditions: Packed Powder, Machine Groomed, Frozen Hard Pack and COOOOLD!.
Trip Report: This was my first trip up to Stowe ever... As someone who has skied throughout New England, it was just one of those places I never ventured to due to cost, distance and etc. But with the wife nagging me to go to Stowe because of their cute village... well I figured why not.
My friend and I got to the lifts at 8:00 when they started turning. The base was showing a temp of -6 and the summit was about -12 up top. The first run was Gondolier, and it was frozen wind blown hard pack ungroomed. Not very fun to say the least! We took the goldi up again and decided to take the clifftrail down to Lower Nosedive... a much better choice as everything was nicely groomed out. After that we took the summit quad up to Lord and then Hayride, and then back up the summit chair lord to sunrise... then the triple down to easy mile... At this point the snow loosened up... and we made our way back up to the summit to ski nosedive. After nosedive we headed over to spruce to make a few runs on Sterling and Upper Mainstreet/Mogul field. The last few runs of the day were back over on Perry Merril... and at 3pm we called it a day. All in all a great day on the snow!