What is Route 9 from Dover to Troy like?
I have a ski trip to Mount Snow coming up before X-mas, at the end of which I have to travel south to NJ for family gathering. Route 9 - Route 7 - I 87 is the shortest route that Google Maps advises, but Route 9 cuts right across Woodford State Park, and we all know Google Maps rarely takes winter conditions into calculation. My family enjoys venturing on new routes for a change, but if Route 9 is too dicey, we might as well take I-91, which will take only 10 more minutes according to Google.
I have a ski trip to Mount Snow coming up before X-mas, at the end of which I have to travel south to NJ for family gathering. Route 9 - Route 7 - I 87 is the shortest route that Google Maps advises, but Route 9 cuts right across Woodford State Park, and we all know Google Maps rarely takes winter conditions into calculation. My family enjoys venturing on new routes for a change, but if Route 9 is too dicey, we might as well take I-91, which will take only 10 more minutes according to Google.