How long ago??? I've been skiing there since 1970'ish--prolly been up the t-bar with ya.
Chair 5 glade is fun, but I've always liked Ronny's Run off Chair 2 and the woods between Zues and Trojan. Bad thing is they cut those "Trojan" woods into a trail and completely ruined some of the best terrain on the hill.:evil:
I skiied there in the 90s. I also liked Ronny's Run and the Trojan Glade but the Lift 5 glade was my favorite when I skiied there. I liked the spacing of the trees better in that glade. I also preffered it's flatter pitch over the steeper pitch the other two glades had. It's a shame that Greek Peak (and other ski areas) are destroying good glades.
I remember hearing Greek Peak would add additional terrain on the East Side but it's still marked as proposed terrain on the trail map. Will this terrain be added?