Having known Brian since he started at Mount Snow and some of the experience he had with how the GM at Mount Snow, Kelly Pawlak, runs a mountain, and having seen how others from Mount Snow have done within Peak Resorts when they've been promoted to GM's at other Peak owned properties, this forth rightedness doesn't surprise me. And my hunch is that going forward, he'll be quicker with the information.
Secondly, all the testing of various snowmaking equipment that Brian mentioned, is something that I heard about, from one of the mountain ops crew at Mount Snow this past week. Peak sent of the guys from Mount Snow, who is not only a snowmaking addict, but also a big time stats guy to help oversee this multi week, multi brand test to see what works best at not just what air temps, but what water temps. The one real intersting tidbit that I got from the mention of the test is one noteable manufacturers name that wasn't listed, SMI. Considering that Peak resorts tend to be covered with SMI polecat fan guns of various sizes (supers, "regulars" and kids), it was interesting to not see them mentioned and see techno alpin, who makes not only some good air/water low-e guns but also some good fan guns too, along with HKD and snow logic. The HKD Impluse towers seem to be gaining plenty of popularity with Peak Resorts non fan gun trails as Mount Snow just took delivery on an order of about 20 of them about a week ago and they've been in action on many air water trails the last week, with some big piles produced.
The one thing that you need to consider when talking about Peak Resorts and snowmaking, is the owner, Tim Boyd, LOVES to make snow! He actually doesn't ski or board, but still does from time to time put on his snow boots and gore tex suit and helmet and gets on the hill and drags hoses and guns around! And he's by no means a "spring chicken"![]()
Wildcat does not have enough electricity to run any fan guns. The transmission lines in Pinkham Notch can't handle the load. This is why they run all diesel conpressors.