New member
Windham Mtn
Sunday Jan 30 2011
Snowing: 20's
hardpack, ice, some edgeable
Crowds: Circus, Zoo, Mayhem
We have vouchers for the girls (free), a free cabin to stay at 5 miles from the hill and i got 2 discounted tix....will all that in place we drove up Friday night, arrived to the cabin around 11pm...had a nice sleep in, breakfast and chilled....their driveway was perfect for sledding so we did that for about 2 hrs then decided to take a drive into Windham for some supplies and grab a burger, pint and watch the Villanova/G'town game.
not seeing pub/resturant in town that we thought would have the game, we drove to the mountain lodge...luckily got a parking spot in row 2, but cars were as far as the eye could see...made our way up stairs to the bar/restaurant (why did they have to make it look like the cafeteria?) again, lucked out and got a table right up front next to the tv's but the sea of people made it hard to see....the waitress said they had 19 bus trips that day, and the crowds were suffocating in the lodge, the lifts looked nuts.
Sunday, got to the mtn at 815am, made a few laps with the girls, G lift wasnt open to we went the the far right of the mountain and took a lap over there and had a crash with a racer flying down, everyone was ok, but there was a slew of racers skiing way too fast in that beginner area and not one patroller/saftey got to be found (and some of the coaches were leading the pack), my wife was shaken, went in and filed a formal complaint.
the bottom lift going to mid lodge was a 10 min and the one and only time we took the G lift we waited 30 min...
the disparity between skiiers in the south vs north is night and day...the extra few hours in the car is well worth it...what amazed us (apart from the sea of humanity) was the rudness, cluesness of the majority of the people there....
Wont be back.
Sunday Jan 30 2011
Snowing: 20's
hardpack, ice, some edgeable
Crowds: Circus, Zoo, Mayhem
We have vouchers for the girls (free), a free cabin to stay at 5 miles from the hill and i got 2 discounted tix....will all that in place we drove up Friday night, arrived to the cabin around 11pm...had a nice sleep in, breakfast and chilled....their driveway was perfect for sledding so we did that for about 2 hrs then decided to take a drive into Windham for some supplies and grab a burger, pint and watch the Villanova/G'town game.
not seeing pub/resturant in town that we thought would have the game, we drove to the mountain lodge...luckily got a parking spot in row 2, but cars were as far as the eye could see...made our way up stairs to the bar/restaurant (why did they have to make it look like the cafeteria?) again, lucked out and got a table right up front next to the tv's but the sea of people made it hard to see....the waitress said they had 19 bus trips that day, and the crowds were suffocating in the lodge, the lifts looked nuts.
Sunday, got to the mtn at 815am, made a few laps with the girls, G lift wasnt open to we went the the far right of the mountain and took a lap over there and had a crash with a racer flying down, everyone was ok, but there was a slew of racers skiing way too fast in that beginner area and not one patroller/saftey got to be found (and some of the coaches were leading the pack), my wife was shaken, went in and filed a formal complaint.
the bottom lift going to mid lodge was a 10 min and the one and only time we took the G lift we waited 30 min...
the disparity between skiiers in the south vs north is night and day...the extra few hours in the car is well worth it...what amazed us (apart from the sea of humanity) was the rudness, cluesness of the majority of the people there....
Wont be back.