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Mid Hudson valley hiking NY 2016


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
So I been less much hikes this summer with heat so hot not doing any where any crazy Catskills this year mostly because I like my body parts to not suffer from pain. Plan is to due Catskills but not crazy over amount like last 2 summers.

Did Nuclear lake a few times with Jim very nice lake radtiin possible because I guess military had their stuff here while back. Nothing to hard or steep nice 4 to 6 miles depending on which way you go.

Also did Lake Minnewaska NY with Jim G a fee days ago that was fun doing the water falls trail that I never knew about to a week ago. I believe that carriage road was closed the last two years. Deffinly the best expert trail their I believe. Beautiful water falls. I guess 6 miles to the car.

Finally got to hike with Cornhead and his brother little Cornhead this past weekend at Guthrie rs Nose lake Minneswaa. That was way over due since I I seen them both.
Got started at 1130 ish . Parked in upper lots perfect not 90 degree out. So many perfect Rock's for chilling at taking in the view's if this magnificent place. Then after were down with nose helped so misplaced hikers with much needed directions to Mohonk where thejr car was parked. Had to scared Bobob and his brother that we were lost I knew where we where. 4 miles on carrier trail road at end like by no one. Great day for sure Mary and Mr Bong came out tof.
After hiking Water falls trail at Minn. I forgot as I was driving out in crazy parking situation I didn't realize that car was behind me not parked. I hit then at 5 mph I didn't see any damage only slightly dust but they had rented high end car where afffriid rental company would see so I gave them my insurance papers after he told he was a cop from the mid west. My luck.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
Great hiking with you again Scotty. That last hour and a half on the carriage road was brutal, Bataan Death March. It was much less mentally taxing hiking the trail when you have to think about every foot placement, takes your mind off of actually covering ground. The carraige road is just drudgery, this didn't help either
Only blister, a little rawness on the side of my left toe in the corresponding spot.

Glad I got to turn my bro onto the Gunks, yet another cool place in NYS. I experienced Nature's air-conditioning for the first time on a hike. We were climbing a little incline and I felt a cool breeze flowing down the hill. When we got to the top we saw this
Cool air was pouring out of this cave and flowing downhill, very cool, literally, and figuratively.


Staff member
Oct 29, 2004
Hopewell Jct., NY
Rainbow Falls trail at Minnewaska a nice stretch of trail but just too much carriage road at Minne.

Soon we ski:


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