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10-14" Powder day at Bretton Woods - 12/8/2006


New member
May 26, 2005
The Woods at Jay Peak
Date Skied : 12/8

Resort skied : Bretton Woods

Conditions : 10-14" powder and groomed

Trip report :

First day of the season for me and it was a powder day! :smile:

I went skiing with my girlfriend today so I chose Bretton Woods because she hasn't skied in 9+ years. I also Chose B.W. because I knew the masses would be heading to Cannon for the free day.

We got to the mountain around 9:30am after a rather windy and snowy drive up rt. 302. I was amazed that the valley (ie; the Conways, Bartlett and Intervale) had almost no snow from last nights event! It wasnt until you get to the parking lot for the Davis Path hiking trail on 302 that the snow started pileing up. Near Whiteout conditions happened a couple times on the drive from there and that had me smiling!

I bet the parking lot had less than 100 cars in it. Maybey less than 75. Natural snow was EVERYWHERE! And lots of it!! I got my G.F. geared up with some rentals and started drooling out the windows as she changed.

The wind on the mountain was no problem at all. It was quite manageable and we were very comfortable. It diddnt scour the trails either.


Notable events for the day were me double ejecting from my skis on the first 200 yards of the first run :lol: . I was skiing the POW on the side of the trail when I buried my tips in a hole that was covered by the snow and took the brunt of the fall with my face :oops: :dunce: . My G.F. got a big kick out of that. I thoroughly enjoyed my $12 cheeseburger and fries.
And the last notable of the day was when we were getting ready to get off the Quad and my G.F. stood up too early and fell off the chair right befor we got to the ramp:blink: :blink: :blink: ! Luckily she was alright and was smart enough to keep her head down so she diddnt get whacked by the chair.

We had a real fun day together and I cant wait to get her back into the sport. Bretton Woods has a lot of snow right now and I suspect tomorrow thier trail count should grow. Beat the crowds and go to Bretton Woods.

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