349 dollar passes and a 9 month season dont work very well together.
you cant have it both ways.
you're right. :roll: I've only been skiing there since 1984.
cheap passes and reduced budgets have come hand in hand with asc. if you recall, the pass price under preston smith and SKI was in excess of 1000 dollars. but go ahead and make bs assumptions about what i know and what i've experienced at killington.
Sorry trailboss, but you just got owned... :lol: Now let's all lighten up, guys.
I was not being sarcastic or condescending. Sorry if anyone got that impression.
I am aware of SKI's pass prices and that they were a lot at the time...but they got that rate because of season length...not sure why we are talking about pass prices...the topic is season length.
My comments were about what Killington used to be under SKI with regards to the length of their season. Nowhere in my comments in this thread did I say anything about pass prices. I did not say anything about pass prices. I'm not sure how that got grafted in here.
I make no assumptions nor do I BS.
Sorry for the confusion...and I did see this: thanks.
I do find it hard to believe people, and no, not trailboss, but people can complain about reduced seasons and such while they are buying a season pass at a major mtn for the cost of a monthly car payment.
Enough said.
My point was that folks over the past few years have complained about Killington's season length and what it "used to be."
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