I’m all for the interconnect. It would be so much fun to ski from area to area over a four or five day stretch. It’s not like the wasatch is some pristine mountain range any longer. It’s crowded af. It’s the perfect place for a euro ski experience.
I love the argument that there’s no point because you can’t ski it all in one day, what the hell does that even mean? Does this make European resorts crap because you can’t ski all of it in a day? Weird.
I agree. The Wasatch is located right next to a major city that is growing quickly. It's already crowded, and will only get more crowded. Why not try and develop it in a sensitive way that balances both recreation and the environment? If the resorts do not expand and the population growth continues, the resorts and going to keep getting more crowded, and the backcountry will increasingly become a popular alternative to lift-served skiing. It's also preventing change, which people do not like.
If our goal is to protect the environment, let's protect actual wilderness. Let's make sure that the Uintas remain pristine. Let's protect Bears Ears. Let's make sure that ANWR remains undeveloped. As a civilization, our goal should be to develop a small, select number of locations such as the Wasatch that have already seen development and are close to population centers, and leave the rest of our mountains untouched and pristine.
Trying to prevent Alta from building a 15 person tram, or one of these resorts from building a new chairlift, isn't really protecting the environment. It's protecting backcountry skiing (pretty much the entire membership of Save Our Canyons) from minor encroachments by the resorts. I will continue donating money to actual environmental advocacy organizations, but will not support Save Our Canyons under their current leadership.
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