Well-known member
One way to look at it.... in order for co2 to drive temp and have an isomorphic relationship, the co2 must amplify the temp and that can be only be done with positive feedback. This is not seen in the satellite observations, meaning co2 and temp as seen in the real world is no longer isomorphic; co2 still increases but temps have flatline. Christy has been consistent with this message from the great global warming swindle movie you have dismissed and iirc even to his latest testimony to the senate.
I'll try this again..... check out the section where he and other scientists talks about AGW's greenhouse effect and that CO2 is not a dominate factor. If it was a greenhouse effect, increases in temps would be seen in the troposphere.
Do you really think it's that simple ? Do you really think that positive and negative feedbacks have not been studied ? Do you really think that Christy and Williams assertions about the troposphere have not been thoroughly investigated (and proven wrong) ? Do you really think so highly of yourself that without any formal training, self-educating over YouTube, you can outsmart the best climate scientists? Do you at least know that most climate scientists are NOT alarmists ?
Forget about old YouTube videos and go read the real science. In a university library.