Date(s) Skied: Monday, December 27 2010 from ~12-4
Resort or Ski Area: Berkshire East, Charlemont MA
Conditions: Powder, PP, windblown, very windy
Trip Report:
Left providence RI at 9 am and was booted up in the lot by about 12 noon, perhaps a little after. Went inside and bought half day tickets at 12:25, ate lunch while waiting (saving $15).
Berkshire East's vertical drop has long been subject to conjecture. BEast claims 1180, and because it is relatively steep with relatively little runout, some feel it's true vertical must be considerably less.
However, according a smartphone app that's been very accurate (for instance, shows Wachusett vertical as 966 ft when skiing the polar express quad), it measures 1150 vertical. Pretty good for Massachusetts and favorable compared to the North Face at Mt Sneaux, no?
Anyway, because we got a late start we missed out on what was surely a great morning under the summit triple (Liftline). We still went down it and despite some ugly sounds under my feet, it was fun and plenty of soft snow.
Competition was the run of the day. The trail edges were consistently reloaded with pow by the wind.
We poached Umass and it was uh...not too smart on our part. A snowmaking hose took out my friend. Other than that, actually, it was pretty good. Needs more snow though.
The blue off to the right when coming down was nice too. far right side of the trail had lots of chopped of powder, crud etc.
We managed 13,000 vertical ft in 3 hrs with no break. Went to the car for a few beers and that was it. A very windy, chilly afternoon. Well worth it and BEast once again proves to a solid option when there is fresh snow. Would like to go back after a big storm later in the season when it's 100% open.
I am hoping Soulseller will post up the pics he took. For now, enjoy 15 seconds of The Sneak on Competition:
Resort or Ski Area: Berkshire East, Charlemont MA
Conditions: Powder, PP, windblown, very windy
Trip Report:
Left providence RI at 9 am and was booted up in the lot by about 12 noon, perhaps a little after. Went inside and bought half day tickets at 12:25, ate lunch while waiting (saving $15).
Berkshire East's vertical drop has long been subject to conjecture. BEast claims 1180, and because it is relatively steep with relatively little runout, some feel it's true vertical must be considerably less.
However, according a smartphone app that's been very accurate (for instance, shows Wachusett vertical as 966 ft when skiing the polar express quad), it measures 1150 vertical. Pretty good for Massachusetts and favorable compared to the North Face at Mt Sneaux, no?
Anyway, because we got a late start we missed out on what was surely a great morning under the summit triple (Liftline). We still went down it and despite some ugly sounds under my feet, it was fun and plenty of soft snow.
Competition was the run of the day. The trail edges were consistently reloaded with pow by the wind.
We poached Umass and it was uh...not too smart on our part. A snowmaking hose took out my friend. Other than that, actually, it was pretty good. Needs more snow though.
The blue off to the right when coming down was nice too. far right side of the trail had lots of chopped of powder, crud etc.
We managed 13,000 vertical ft in 3 hrs with no break. Went to the car for a few beers and that was it. A very windy, chilly afternoon. Well worth it and BEast once again proves to a solid option when there is fresh snow. Would like to go back after a big storm later in the season when it's 100% open.
I am hoping Soulseller will post up the pics he took. For now, enjoy 15 seconds of The Sneak on Competition: